Affidavit With The Application For The Issue Of Duplicate Export Licence

Before the Deputy Chief Controller of Exports, Department of Supply, Ministry of Food, ………………………
In the matter of issue of duplicate licence to M/s. ………………………………..………………………. Affidavit of Mr…… …………………… …….years, son of S/o …………………………………….. resi ………………………………………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:

1 .That I am the proprietor of M/s. ……………………………………….. doing the business of export and import of various items at ………………………..

2. That M/s……………………. …………………… was issued license bearing No……………………. dated …………………….. for the export of …………………….. tons of ……………………………….

3. That the said licence has been lost, for which 1 lodged F.I.R. with Police Station, ……. ……………..vide F.I.R. No. ………………………… dated ………….……………, a copy whereof is attached.

4. That the said licence has been lost without it being fully utilised and the ………………. so far exported on the said licence is to the extent of …………………….……. tons.

5. In the view of the above, it is requested that the duplicate copy of the said
licence may be issued. If the original licence be found any time, the same shall be returned to the issuing authority for cancellation, with being utilised.

I, A, the abovenamed deponent do hereby declare and verify that the contents of paras 1 to 4 foregoing are true to my knowledge and contents of paragraph 5 are submission to this Hon’ble Dy. Chief controller of exports, nothing material has been concealed and no part of it is false.

Verified at ………………….. on this …….. day of …………….. .
Date …………….

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