Agreement Between A Firm And A Broker For Agency

Agreement Between A Firm And A Broker For Agency

THIS AGREEMENT made on the………………… of……………..BETWEEN ………..,
etc., a firm carrying on the business of …………………………………………………………………………………………
(hereinafter called the firm) of the one part and ……………….., etc. (hereinafter called the broker ) of the other part.

WHEREAS the firm wants to sell the property described in the Scheudle hereto and for the said purpose the services of the broker are required.

AND WHEREAS the said broker has shown his willingness to accept the agency for the sale of the said property described in the Schedule hereto.
AND WHEREAS the firm has accepted to pay to the broker the present rat of commission of … per cent. Of the sale price.


1. The firm hereby gives the broker for a period of ………… months thereof the right to sell the property described in the Schedule hereto at the price and on the terms and conditions hereinafter contained in this agreement.

2. 2. The broker is hereby authorised to sell the property on he price of Rs. …………….……..and out of this consideration the purchaser shall pay Rs………….……… advance as earnest money and the balance of Rs………….……………..shall be paid within a month hereof before the Registrar at the time of registration of the sale-deed.

3. The broker shall be authorised to sell the property at the price of Rs…………..and on other terms and conditions that may be acceptable to the firm.

4. The firm hereby represents and warrants that the details of the property as described in the Schedule hereto are true and correct and the said property is free from all encumbrances.
5. The firm hereby undertakes to deliver to the purchaser, within a reasonable time, as abstract of title showing that the firm is the owner of the property and the said property is free from all encumbrances.

6. The firm hereby agrees that the sale-deed to be executed by the firm shall be a full covenant warranty deed free from all encumbrances.



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