Ref. No. ……………………. Date ………………..


Dear Sir,
Sub : Appointment.

With reference to your application dated ………………for working on daily wage basis, we have the pleasure to inform you that we agree to appoint you on daily wage basis for ………. days, in accordance with the rates of Rs…………….. Your engagement is subject to the following terms and conditions:-

1. You will complete the job/assignment which is entrusted to you to the satisfaction of the management as well as the customers and in case of any deviation to the specification or the specimen or size or there will be any defect you will alter, amend or rectify and if necessary replace or re-produce the same and in that event you will not be paid any extra charges either for the material I or for Labour. In case the items as prepared or produced by you will be irreparable and not in conformity of the specification/ specimen, you will be liable to reimburse the cost of the material or in case we have to get them prepared/produced by ourselves or by any one else, you will reimburse all the costs and expenses.

2. You will adhere to the time schedule for production of the items as entrusted to you and in case of delay in completion, you be held liable for the loss/damage either directly or consequential.

3. You will maintain account of the materials provided to you and consumed by you for the completion of the items.

4. You will take proper and reasonable care of the machine and material within your charge and in case of any loss/damage you will be held liable and we will be within our rights to make deductions from your dues.

5. By the end of every month you will submit your bill for payment giving the details of the items produced and completed by you.

6. The management does not guarantee to provide with the work for all the times and the work will be entrusted to you as and when available.

07. The management will be at liberty to dispense with this arrangement for wait of orders, raw material or for other reasons by giving one week’s notice and similarly if you will have to terminate this arrangement, you will give one week’s notice.

8. If you will engage any one to assist you for production or completion of the items/job, you will be liable for making the payment to them.

In case the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please sign the duplicate copy for having accepted the above terms and conditions.

Yours faithfully,


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