In the Matter of an Arbitration between [parties]?THIS IS THE AWARD of my ____________________________________________ [insert the name, address etc. of arbitrator] made the ______ day of _______.
WHEREAS by an agreement in writing dated the ______ day of ______ and made between [insert the name, address etc. of first party] of the one part and [insert the name, address etc. of second party] of the other part the said parties agreed to refer all matters in difference between them [if necessary, add relative to [stating the specific matters]] to me the said [arbitrator] so that I should make my award thereon ready to be delivered to the said parties on or before the ______ day of______ next and further agreed that the costs of and attending such reference and of my award NOW BE IT KNOWN that I the said [arbitrator] hereby make and publish this my award of and concerning the matters so referred to me in manner following that is to say:
I award and determine:
That the said [second party] has a just and valid claim and demand ?against the said [first party] to the extent of Rs.________.
That the said [first party] has a just and valid claim against the said [second party] to the extent of Rs. ________ [a less sum] so that after deducting the latter sum from the former there remains justly due to the said [second party] from the said [first party] the sum of Rs._______.
The said [first party] shall on the _______ day of ______ next pay the said sum of Rs.________ unto the said [second party] at his shop at _____ [between the hours of ______ and _______ of the clock in the [forenoon].
The said sum of Rs. _________ shall be paid accepted and taken as and for full satisfaction and discharge and as a final end and determination of the said difference in the matters so referred as aforesaid and all demands upon or in respect of the same by either of the said parties against the other of them. ?
The said [first party] shall bear and pay his own costs of and attending the said arbitration and shall pay to the said [second party] his costs of and attending the said arbitration and shall pay the costs of this my award and which I tax and settle at the sum of Rs. _______ And I determine the costs of the said [second party] to amount to Rs._________.

[Signature of the sole member of the Arbitral Tribunal]

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