Registered A.D.
From: ……………………….



Dear Sir,

Conciliation of disputes

1. Please refer to your letter suggesting to settle the disputes arisen between us in respect of the partnership business carried on by us in partnership under the name and style of M/s…………at……………under Agreement of partnership dated ……………………

2. I hereby invite you to commence conciliation proceedings to settle our disputes with the assistance of Shri ……………… who may act as conciliator. Shri …………the proposed conciliator has given his consent to act as conciliator to conciliate the disputes arisen between us. If you accept the proposal for conciliation, an agreement may be
executed between us for referring t he disputes to conciliation.

3. You are requested to please communicate your acceptance about the invitation to conciliation within a period of one month from the date of issue of this letter, failing which it will be presumed that you have rejected the invitation for conciliation of disputes.

Yours faithfully,

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