THIS BOND is executed on this day of 20 by A son of Shri Master of the seagoing ship by name and registered with the Shipping Registry No . under the Indian Merchants Shipping Act, 1958 and I am held and firmly bound to Shri in the sum of Rs . for which payment will and truly to be made to the said Shri his successors and assigns, I hereby bind myself, my heirs, successors, administrators, executors and legal representatives firmly by these presents

AND for the further security of the said I the said A do hereby mortgage or hypothecate to the said Shri the said ship and her freight, apparel and cargo on board on the said ship and I hereby declare that the said ship, her freight, apparel and cargo on board are thus pledged for the security of the money advanced to me by the said and until payment of this bond is made with interest, the said ship and cargo shall not be pledged or mortgaged by me to any other person. In witness whereof I have set my hands hereunder

WHEREAS the above named ship having been compelled to put to anchor in the port for carrying out repairs and for some accessories, for which the aforesaid amount is urgently required. AND WHEREAS the owners of the said ship, the shippers and consignee of the cargo on board of the said ship, having refused to provide the money required for the said repairs and accessories, I the above named A, the master of ship, have been compelled to borrow the said money at bottomry and have received the said sum from the the sum of Rs which sum is to run at bottomry on the hull and freight of the above named ship from the port of on a voyage to the port of @ ………% for the voyage.

NOW THE CONDITION OF THE BOND is that I (A the said master or my heirs, successors, administrators, executors and legal represen­tatives, shall pay or cause to be paid to the said Shri his successors and assigns, the sum of Rs . together with the interest due thereon within 30 days after the safe arrival of the ship at her port of discharge in the port of or in case the said ship be lost during the said voyage, then and in such an event this obligation and
pledge shall be void and of no effect, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect.

Three bonds of the same tenor and date have been executed and in case one of which is accomplished, the others shall be void and of no effect.
Signed, sealed and delivered at on this day of 20

2. Signature of the master

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