IN THE COURT OF……………………………
Suit No……………………………. of 200
In the Matter of: –
AB………………………………………………………….. Plaintiff
CD………………………………………………………. Defendant
Most Respectfully Showeth: –
1. That the applicant defendant submits that the plaintiff has delivered the interrogatories to be answered by the applicant-defendant on……………………………
2. That the questions No……………………………. to No…………………………… appearing in the aforesaid set of interrogatories are prolix, oppressive, unnecessary and/or scandalous.
It is therefore most respectfully prayed that the questions No …………………………… to No……………………………. appearing in the set of interrogatories delivered by the plaintiff may kindly be struck out.
It is prayed accordingly Applicant
Through Advocate

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