Suit No………………… of 19………………………………….
CD…………………………………………………………. Plaintiff
C. F………………………………………………………. Defendant
The applicant most respectfully submits as under:
1. That the applicant has filed this suit for the recovery of arrears of rent from the defendant amounting to Rs………………….
2. That the defendant has stated in paragraph No………………… of his written statement that the rent payable by him to the plaintiff was at the rate of Rs………………… per month.
3. That the applicant has always been issuing rent receipts to. the defendant and the counterfoils of the aforesaid rent receipts has been retained by him. All the rent receipts issued by the applicant to the defendant are in possession and power of the defendant and they relate to the real matter of controversy in the suit.
It is therefore most respectfully prayed that the defendant be ordered to produce rent receipt issued by the applicant to the defendant which are in his possession and power and which relate to the real matter of controversy in the suit. It is accordingly prayed.
Through Advocate
Place: …………………………
Date:. …………………………
Order 11, Rule 14
In an election petition subject to the provision of the Act and the Rules, if any, made thereunder, the court shall try the election petition as if it is the trial of the suit adopting as nearly as may be the procedure applicable to the suit under the Code1.
1. Sasanagouda v. Dr. S. B. Amarkhed, A. I. R. 1992 Supreme Court 1163: 1992 (2) S. C. C. 612: 1992 (2) J. T. (S. C. ) 484: 1992 A. I. R. S. C. W. 1064.


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