(Order XXl-A, Rules 3(a) and 5).
In the court of…………………………………………………. at…………………..
Civil Suit No……………………………….. of……………………………..
A. B. of………………………………..
CD. of………………………………..
Know all men by these presents that we, I. J. of………………….. etc., and K. L. of…………………………. etc., and M. N. of…………………. etc., and K. L. of……………….. etc., and M. N. of………………………………. etc. K. L. of…………………………… etc., and M. N. of………………………………….. etc. are jointly and severally bound to the Judge of the Court of……………………… in Rupees………………………. to be paid to the said Judge, for which payment to be made we bind ourselves, and each of us in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, by these presents.
Dated this………………………….. day of……………………………. 200……
And whereas the movable property, livestock specified in the schedule hereunto annexed has been attached under a warrant from the said Court dated the………………… day of 200…. in execution of a decree in favour of……………………… in Suit No. …………………………. of………………………….. 200……………. on the file of……………………. and the said property has been left in the charge of the said I; J.
Now the condition of this obligation is that if the above bounden I. J. shall duly account for any loss which the owner of the property/livestock may suffer due to wilful negligence of the bounden and produce when required before the said Court all the every property/livestock aforesaid (and properly maintain and take due care of the livestock aforesaid) and shall obey any further order of the Court in reepect then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and the enforceable against it shall remain in full force and the enforceable against the above bounden I. J. in the exemption proceedings.
Signed and delivered by the above bounden in the presence of…………………………
Witness 1. Parties.
Witness 2.

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