THIS DEED is made at…………..on this………… of……. 20…………..between Smt. A wife of
Shri resident of hereinafter called as Smt. A, of the ONE PART and Smt. B wife of Shri..
…………..resident of…………..hereinafter called as Smt. B of the SECOND PART and Shri C son of D
resident of hereinafter called as Shri C, of the THIRD PART.
WHEREAS[P1] D now deceased was seized and possessed of the property, more particularly described
in Schedule hereto, and the said D has died on …………..intestate.
AND WHEREAS [P2]the parties to this deed are the only legal heirs entitled to share in the estate of D.
AND WHEREAS [P3]Smt. A and Smt. B have been married in very respectable families and the said D
had spent substantial sums on their marriage and the said D had been paying money and offering gifts to
them on the occasion of festivals and functions in the family and after the death of said D, C has been
paying money and offering gifts to them on the occasion of festivals and functions in the family.
AND WHEREAS [P4]on account of their love and affection, the said Smt. A and Smt. B are desirous to
transfer their shares to C for his absolute use and benefit free from encumbrances.
(1)[P5]In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the premises, the said Smt. A and Smt.
B as beneficial owners hereby assign and release unto Shri C all that their shares and interests in the
property described in the Schedule hereunder written to hold the same unto the said Shri C as absolute
owner thereof without any encumbrance or charge.
(2)[P6]The said Smt. A and Smt. B hereby agree, undertake and declare that none of them will have any
right, title or interest in the property described in the Schedule hereto or any other property which is found
later on to be left by the deceased D and C will hold the said property as absolute owner 1hereof without
any encumbrance or ch-arge
(3)[P7]The said Smt. A and Smt. B include their respective legal heirs,. successors and legal
(4)[P8]The cost of the execution and registration of this deed shall be borne by Shri C.
(5)[P9]The said Smt. A and Smt. B have obtained independent advice and they are fully aware of meaning
and effect of this deed
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set and subscribed their hands to this writing the day and
year first hereinabove written

The Schedule above referred to
WITNESSES Signed and delivered by the within named Smt A
. Signed and delivered by the within named Smt. B
Signed and delivered by the within named Shri C

[P1]D owner of properties died Intestate
[P2]Parties to deedlegal heirs
[P3]Daughters married and getting gifts on festivals and functions

[P4]Sisters desire to transfer their shares to their brother
[P5]Terms of settlement
[P6]Sisters covenant not to claim any right, interesting the estate of their late father
[P7]Sisters Includes their heirs
[P9]Parties obtained Independent legal advice

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