Appeal No………………… of 19………………..
Appeal under Section 19 of the Consumer Protection Act against the order of District Forum………………..
(mention place)
A. B. (add description and residence)…………………………………. Appellant/Appellants


C. D. (add description and residence)…………………………… Respondent/Respondents
The Hon’ble President and his companion members of National Commission.
The Appellant/Appellants most respectfully sheweth:
1. This is in appeal under Section 19 against the Order of the State Commission……………….. (name of
place) dated……………….. in Appeal No. ……………….. of 19………………..
2. That the appeal is being filed within a period of 30 days from the date of Order as per the provisions of
Section 19 of the Consumer Protection Act.


That this appeal is being filed after the expiry of period of 30 days as it could not be filed within the
prescribed period for the reasons mentioned in the application filed along with this appeal for
condonation of delay. The said application is being disputed by an Affidavit.
3. Grounds of objections to the order appealed against may be set forth concisely and under distinct
heads without any argument or narrative; such grounds are to be numbered consecutively.
4. Prayer clause with details of relief/reliefs being claimed are to be stated.



In person or through Counsel

1. Certified copy of order appealed against
Section 19
Any person aggrieved by an order made by the State Commission in exercise of its powers conferred by
sub-clause (1) of cause (a) of section 17 may prefer an appeal against such order to the National
Commission within a period of thirty days from the date of the order in such form and manner as may be

Provided that the National Commission may entertain an appeal after the expiry of the said period of
thirty days if it is satisfied that there are sufficient cause for not filing it within that period.

Procedure for hearing appeal
(Rule 15 of Consumer Protection Rules, 1987)

Rule 15. Procedure for hearing the appeal. — 1. Memorandum shall be presented by the appellant or
his agent to the National Commission in person or be sent by registered post addressed to the
2. Every memorandum filed under sub-rule (1) shall be in legible handwriting preferably typed and shall
set forth concisely under distinct heads, the grounds of appeal without any argument or narrative and
such ground shall be numbered consecutively.
3. Each memorandum shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the order of the State Commission
appealed against and such of the documents, as may be required to support grounds of objection
mentioned in the memorandum.
4. When the appeal is presented after the expiry of the period of limitation as specified in the Act, the
memorandum shall be accompanied by an application supported by an affidavit setting forth the facts on
which the appellant relies to satisfy the National Commission that he has sufficient cause for not
preferring the appeal within the period of limitation.
5. The appellant shall submit six copies of the memorandum to the Commission for official purpose.
6. On the date of hearing or on any other day to which hearing may be adjourned, it shall be obligatory
for the parties or their agents to appear before the National Commission. If appellant or his agent fails to
appear on such date, the National Commission may in its discretion either dismiss the appeal or decide
ex parts on merits. If the respondent or his agent fails to appear on such date, the National Commission
shall proceed ex parte and shall decide the appeal on merits of the case.
7. The appellant shall not except by leave of the National Commission usage or be heard in support of
any ground of objection not set forth in the memorandum but the National Commission in deciding the
appeal, may not confine to the grounds of objection set forth in the memorandum:
Provided that the Commission shall not rest its decision on any other ground other than those specified in
the memorandum unless the party who may be affected thereby, has been given an opportunity of being
heard by the National Commission.
8. The National Commission on such term as it may think fit and at any stage, adjourn the hearing of the
appeal, but not more than one adjournment shall ordinarily be given and the appeal should be decided,
as far as possible within 90 days from the first date of hearing.
9. The order of the National Commission shall be communicated to the parties concerned free of cost.

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