THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________
_________________________________________________ (insert the name,
address, etc. of mother) (hereinafter called the mother) of the ONE PART
_______________________________________________ (insert the name, address,
etc. of children) (hereinafter called the donee) of the OTHER PART.

1. ________________________ [Testator] late of [address] (hereinafter called
the father) by his last will dated the _______ day of ________ after appointing
[executors] to be executors and trustees thereof and directing payment of his
funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and bequeathing divers specific
and pecuniary legacies devised all his immovable properties unto his said
trustees upon trust to pay the rents profits and income thereof to his wife during
her life and after her death in trust for his children in equal shares.
2. The father died on the _________ day of _________ without having revoked or
altered his will but the same has not yet been proved [or and the said will was
proved on the ________ day of ______ by the said executors in the ________
Court at _________.
3. The father left him surviving his widow the mother and __________ children
and no more namely the donees all of whom are of full age and parties hereto.
4. The mother is desirous of making a gift to the donees of her life interest under
the said will in the immovable properties of the father.
1. In consideration of the natural love and affection of the mother for the donees
the mother hereby conveys and releases unto the donees all that her life-interest
in the property described in the schedule hereto TO HOLD the same unto the
donees as tenants-in-common in equal share, absolutely and forever.
2. The donees hereby declare that the life interest hereinbefore conveyed shall
merge and be extinguished in the said property in remainder thereon to the
intent that by reason of such merger and of the vesting in them of the said

property by an assent of even date herewith the said property shall henceforth
be vested in the donees in equal shares as tenants-in-common.

[Description of property]


[Signature[s] of mother [and donees]]

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