THIS DECLARATION OF TRUST is made on the ______ day of ______ 20______
by _______________ [insert the name, address, etc. of donor] (hereinafter called the
1. The trustee is the registered holder of _________ fully paid ordinary [or as the
case may be] shares of each [numbered _______ to ________ inclusive] in the
capital of ____________ Limited (hereinafter called the company) a private
company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956.
2. The trustee desires to make a gift of the said shares to __________________ [
insert the name, address etc. of donee] (hereinafter called the donee) [the state
relationship if any] of the trustee] but owing to the restrictions imposed by the
articles of association of the company he is unable to transfer the same into the
name of the donee.
1. In consideration of his natural love and affection for the donee the trustee
hereby declares himself a trustee of the said shares for the donee absolutely and
that he will henceforth hold the said shares upon trust.
2. To pay apply dispose of and deal with the said shares and all dividends bonuses
and other monies to which he may at any time hereafter become entitled in
respect of the same or any of them and to exercise all voting and other powers
and rights attached or hereafter to be attached to the same or any of them in
such manner in all respects as the donee shall from time to time direct; and if
and whenever requested by the donee so to do to use his best endeavours to
procure the said shares to be transferred into the name of the donee in the
books of the company and to execute and do all instruments and things
necessary for that purpose.
3. The power of appointing a new trustee or new trustees hereof is vested in the


[Signature of donor]

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