DEED OF INDEMNITY is made at …… this day …… of …… between Mr. A residing at ….. hereinafter
referred to as ‘the Party of the First Part of the One Part and M/s. AB & Co. Ltd., a Company registered
under the Companies Act, 1956 and having Its registered office at …… hereinafter referred to as ‘the
Company’ of the Other Part.

WHEREAS the Party of the First Part had deposited with the Company a sum of Rs. …. as a fixed deposit
for a period of three years and repayable with interest at 14% per annum.

AND WHEREAS the Company had issued to the Party of the First Part a Fixed Deposit receipt for the
said amount on the …. day of ….. and bearing No….

AND WHEREAS the said period of the Fixed Deposit has expired and the Party of the First Part had
demanded back the amount but he had not been able to produce the original receipt as the same is said to
be lost or misplaced.

AND WHEREAS at the request of the Party of the First Part the Company has agreed to pay the said
amount of Rs …….. on the Party of the First Part agreeing to execute this Deed.

NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that pursuant to the said Agreement and in the premises the Party of
the First Part hereby agrees to Indemnify and keep indemnified the Company against any loss, costs,
charges and expenses that the Company may suffer or incur on account of any claim being made by any
other person claiming to be the holder of the said Fixed Deposit Receipt by endorsement or otherwise and
the Company being required to make payment of the amount of the said Fixed Deposit receipt to such
person And the Party of the First Part undertakes that in the event of the original Fixed Deposit receipt
being found the same will be returned to the Company duly discharged, forthwith.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Party of the First Part has put his hand the day and year first hereinabove

Signed and delivered by the
withinnamed Party of the First Part Mr. A ……. in the presence of

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