THIS INTER CREDITOR AGREEMENT, dated the…………………day of…………………2001,
amongst XYZ Finance Company Limited, (“XYZF”), a company registered under the Companies Act,
1956, as Lender and Guarantor, Power finance Corporation Limited, (“PFC”), a company registered
under the Companies Act, 1956, ABC Bank (“ABC”)a banking company within the meaning of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949, as Lender and Guarantor, STR Development Bank (‘STRB”), a
company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 as Lender and Guarantor, AAA Insurance and
Finance Company” Ltd., (“AAA”), a company registered under the Companies Act,1956 as Lendor,
BBB Insurance Company Ltd., (“BBB”), a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 Lender,
The JKL Bank Limited (“JKL”), a banking company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, as
Lender, DEF Bank (“DEF”), a banking company organised and existing under the laws of India as
Lender and Guarantor, GHI Bank Limited, (“GHI”), a banking company within the meaning of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949, and The XYZ Finance Company Limited, acting as Security Trustee for
the Lenders and Guarantors, (which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context
thereof, be deemed to include its successors and assigns);
(A) Pursuant to the Loan Agreements as defined herein, between ABC Power Generation Company
Limited, (“Borrower”), a public company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and the Lenders,
whose names are set out in Schedule hereto, the Lenders have agreed, inter afia, subject to the terms
and conditions contained therein, to lend and advance to the Borrower or subscribe to non convertible
debentures issued by the Borrower, amounts upto those set out against their respective names in
Schedule hereunder written (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Loan” or “the Loans’ more
particularly defined herein).
(B) Pursuant to Guarantee Agreements, as defined herein between the Borrower, the Guarantors and
the Counter Guarantors (collectively referred to as the “Guarantors”), the Guarantors have agreed to
guarantee or counter guarantee certain payment obligations of the Borrower to the extent set out
against their respective names in Schedule I hereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the
Guarantee Assistance”) to The Export-Import Bank of Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as “HKEXIM
Bank”) In terms of the HK-EXIM Loan Agreement, dated 26-11-2000.
(C) XYZF has been appointed Security Trustee (Lead Institution) on behalf of the other Subscription,
Agreement Lenders, Subscribers and the Guarantors.
(D) As security for its payment obligations under the -Loan Agreements and the Guarantee
Agreements, the Borrower has created Security in favour of the Secured Creditors and the parties
hereto have agreed to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of co-ordinating their Security
interests and the exercise of their rights, powers and remedies under the Security Documents.
NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follow .
Definitions and Interpretation
Wherever used in this Agreement_ unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the
following. meanings (and. terms which are not defined in this Agreement shall, unless the context
otherwise requires, have the same meaning as in the Loan Agreements, Subscription Agreement and
Guarantee Agreements)
“Borrower’s Banks” shall mean the banks or other financial institutions providing working capital
facilities to the Borrower from time to time.
“Business Day” means a day on which the office of the Secured Party is open for business.
“Dollars” shall mean the lawful currency of the United States of America.
“FC Loans” means the Loans, in the aggregate, as is contracted by the FC Lenders to be made in
Foreign Currency and the principal and interest on which is to be paid in terms of the FC Loan
“Enforcement” means, with respect to all or any portion of the Security, a sale, execution pursuant to
any proceedings for sale or any other disposition of the Security or applicable portion thereof in

connection with an Enforcement Action.
“Enforcement Action” shall have the meaning ascribed to it In section 3.2 hereof.
“Events of Default” has the ‘meaning ascribed thereto in. the Loan Agreements, Subscription
Agreement and the Guarantee Agreements.
“FC Loan Agreements” mean each of the following Loan Agreements:
(a) Loan Agreement between the Borrower and XYZF, dated 26-11-2000;
(b) Loan Agreement between the Borrower and STPD, dated 5-12-2000;
(c) Loan Agreement between the Borrower and ABC, dated 5-12-2000; and
(d) Loan Agreement between the Borrower and PFC, dated 4-12-2000.
“Financing Documents” means the Loan Agreements, the Subscription Agreement, the Guarantee
Agreements and the Trust and Retention Agreement; etc.
“Guarantee Agreements” mean each of the following agreements:
1 .Guarantee Agreement between the Borrower and The XYZ Finance Company Limited. dated
2.Guarantee Agreement between the Borrower and ABC Bank, dated 5-12-2000.
3.Guarantee Agreement between the Borrower and STR Development Bank, dated 5-12-2000.
4.Guarantee Agreement between the Borrower and GH1 Bank Limited, dated 30-11-2000.
5.Guarantee Agreement between the Borrower and DEF Bank, doe.02.42,-2000.
“Insurance Proceeds” mean all monies payable under, and all claims. arising out of, any insurance
policy in effect and held by or for the benefit of the Borrower.
“Lenders” mean the Rupee Lenders and the FC Lenders.
“Loans” means the Rupee Loans and the FC Loans.
“Loan Agreements” shall mean the Rupee Loan Agreements, Subscription Agreement and the FC
Loan Agreements.

“Rupee Lenders” means each of the Lenders providing Rupee Loans and the Subscriber to Non-
Convertible Debentures.

“Rupee Loans” means the Loans, in the aggregate, as is contracted by the Rupee Lenders to be
made in Rupees, the NCDS to be subscribed by the Subscriber and the principal and interest on which
is to be paid in terms of the Rupee Loan Agreements.
“Rupee Loan Agreements” means each of the following Loan Agreements.
1 .Loan Agreement between Power Finance Corporation and the Borrower, dated 4-12-2000;
2.Loan Agreement between BBB Insurance and Finance Company Ltd. and the Borrower,
dated 1-12-2000;
3.Loan Agreement between The AAA Finance and Insurance Company Ltd. and the Borrower,
dated 1-12-2000;
4.Loan Agreement between DEF Bank and the Borrower, dated 2-12-2000; and
5.Loan Agreement between The JKL Bank Limited and the Borrower, dated 2-12-2000.
“Notice of Default” means a notice issued under section 3.2 accelerating amounts outstanding under
the Loan Agreements, Subscription Agreement and the Guarantee Agreements, declaring all amounts
thereunder to be due and payable forthwith.
“Project” means the development, construction, financing and operation of a combined cycle power
project of an Installed capacity approximating………………….MW at………………….Industrial
Development Area, District ………………….In the State of Maharashtra. The plant comprises two gas
turbine units of approximately………………….MW each and a steam turbine of
“Rupees” and the abbreviation Rs. shall mean the lawful currency of the Republic of India.
“Secured Creditors” means the Rupee Lenders, FC Lenders, Subscribers to NCDs and the

“Secured, Obligations” means the Borrowees payment obligations to the Secured Creditors.
“Security” means the security created under the Security Documents.
“Security Documents” shall mean the agreements entered into between the Borrower and the
Security Trustee for creation of Security.
“Security Trustee” means The XYZ Finance Company Ltd. acting as Security Trustee for the all
Lenders and the Guarantor (including XYZF).
“Subscriber” shall mean The XYZ Finance Company Ltd. (XYZF).
“Subscription Agreement” means the Agreement between the Borrower and The XYZ Finance
Company Ltd. dated 26-11-2000.
“Trust and Retention Agreement” means the Trust and Retention. Agreement to be entered into
between the Borrower, the Security Trustee and the Bank of Baroda and IndusInd Bank as Account
“Working Capital Loan” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in section 4 hereof.
“Working Capital Lenders” means banks or financial institutions providing working capital facilities to
the Borrower.
In this, Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:
(i) the singular includes the plural and vice versa and reference, to any gender includes a
reference to all other genders;
(ii) references to the words “include” or “including” shall be construed without limitation;
(iii) references to this Agreement or to any other agreement or any deed or other instrument shall
be construed as a reference to such agreement, deed or other instrument as the same
may from time to time be amended, varied supplemented or novated; and
(iv) a reference to any person shall include a reference to its successors and permitted assignees.
Rights against Borrower Not Affected
Nothing herein is intended to modify or impair any of the rights of any of the Secured Creditors against
the Borrower under the Financing Documents and/or the Security Documents.
General principles
Application of monies
Notwithstanding anything contained herein, any compensation moneys received from requisition or
acquisition of the Security or any part thereof and/or any moneys or amounts received on account of
nationalisation and/or take over of the management of the assets and/or undertaking of the Borrower
or any part thereof and/or any other realisation from or out of the Security or any part thereof by
enforcement of one or more of the. Security or by taking recourse to any special legislation for
recovery of dues as may be applicable or otherwise howsoever shall be available for distribution
amongst the Secured Creditors to the extent and manner provided in clause 2.06:
Insurance Policies
During the subsistence of any of the Security, all insurance policies in respect of the Security which are
taken out by the Borrower in the joint names of the Borrower and the Security Trustee with an
insurance company or companies In such manner and for such value and against such risks as may,
be determined, by the Secured Creditors in accordance with the Financing Documents shall be held
and retained by the Security Trustee in its custody for the mutual benefit of the Secured Creditors and
the same shall be made available in accordance with the Security Documents by the Security Trustee
to other Secured. Creditors whenever required by them or any of them against their/its, accountable
receipt for the same.
Title Deeds and Security Documents

All the title deeds and documents relating to the Security shall be held and retained by Security
Trustee in its custody for the mutual benefit of the Secured Creditors. The Security Trustee shall as
and when required by them or one or more of them, make available to the mi the said title deeds and
documents against their/its accountable receipt or furnish copies thereof.
Suits against Borrower
Without prejudice to section 3.6(b), all the Secured Creditors collectively shall be entitled, in the event
of non-payment of dues by the Borrower in accordance with the Finance Documents or for a breach of
the provisions thereof including by the Borrower, to bring a suit, or other legal proceeding or to instruct
the Security Trustee to take any steps for enforcement of the Security created in Its their respective
favour or otherwise for realisation of its respective debts owed to the Secured Creditors from the
Borrower and in the event of the institution of any such suit or other legal proceeding, the Secured
Creditor so instituting shall join in the other or others of them as are or is not willing to join as party
plaintiffs or plain, tiff as party defendants or defendant in such suit or other legal proceeding.
Prior to taking any action for enforcement of any of the Security in accordance with Article III, each of
the Secured Creditors concerned shall duly inform the other or others of the same and each of them
shall also consult and co-operate with the others in respect of all matters pertaining to the Security in
accordance with Article III hereunder.,
Application of monies
(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in or by virtue of or arising from or implied by
the Security or the Security Documents, all moneys available for distribution, as mentioned in section
2.01 hereof, shall be applied with all convenient despatch in the manner hereinafter provided:
(a) firstly, there shall be paid out of such moneys or provisions made thereat for the costs, charges,
expenses incurred by the Security Trustee for and incidental to the enforcement of the
Security and/or realisation or receipt of such. moneys;
(b) secondly, the balance of such moneys shall:
(i) in the event of the moneys so available for distribution being sufficient to pay to each of
them the full amount of the debt due, to each of the Secured Creditors respectively be
applied towards payment of each of the Secured Creditors;
(ii) in the event of the moneys available for distribution being insufficient to pay to each of
the Secured Creditors, the full amount of the debt due to each of the Secured Creditors
respectively, be applied pan passu as nearly as may be practicable, towards, payment
to each of them without any preference or priority whatsoever:
Provided, that the amount distributable to each of the Secured Creditors shall bear to
the total distributable amount the same proportion, which the outstanding amounts of
the debt due, to each of such Secured Creditors bears to the aggregate of the
outstanding amounts of the debts due to all the Secured Creditors under the Security;.
(iii) thirdly, the surplus, if any, out of such. moneys shall be paid to the person or persons
entitled thereto.
(2) Any payment made to each of the Secured Creditors In accordance with the provisions of this
clause shall be in satisfaction of its respective debt under Its relative Security, subject to section
3.06(b) as between such Secured Creditors and the Borrower, such Secured Creditors shall be entitled
to enforce their rights under their relative Security against the Borrower.
(3) It any Secured Creditors receive such money as aforesaid the same shall be forthwith placed and
kept until required for appropriation hereunder, In a separate bank account to be maintained for the
purpose, with a schedule bank, on proper terms as to interest and otherwise. Such Secured Creditors
shall also submit to the other, Secured Creditors at the end. of every month a statement of account
with respect to the amount realised by it from the enforcement of the Security and its application. Such
Secured Creditors shall also submit to the other Secured Creditors every month a report dealing with
other important matters connected with or affecting the Security and the enforcement thereof or
affecting the interest of the Secured Creditors.
(4) The aforesaid provisions shall take effect between the Secured Creditors and the persons claiming
through them and without prejudice to any rights they or any of them may, have against the Borrower.
Sharing of certain expenses

During the subsistence of the Security, all expenditure incurred by the Secured Creditors or any of
them towards payment of insurance premium or in connection with preservation of the Security shall
be shared by the Secured Creditor’s on a pro rata basis. The amounts to be shared as such by each
of the Secured Creditors, shall bear to the total expenditure the same proportion which the outstanding
amounts of the debt due to each of such Secured Creditor bears to the aggregate of the outstanding
amount of the debt due to all such Secured Creditors under the Security.
General consultation
The Secured Creditors agree that (i) they shall afford each other a reasonable opportunity to exchange
views before taking any action that could affect the Borrower, the Project or, the Security and (ii) they
shall, from time to time, consult with each. other with respect. to the progress of the, Project and the
affairs of the Borrower in general.- In addition, unless and Borrower until the Secured Obligations shall
have been fully paid to the appropriate Secured Creditor, the, Secured Creditors shall consult with
each other regarding the operation of the Project and the Security and the ultimate disposition thereof
following an Enforcement in the event of the Security Trustee, Debenture Trustee or a receiver
appointed by either of them obtains possession control of the Project or any Security as a, result of the
Enforcement. Additionally. unless and until the Secured Obligations shall have been fully paid to the
Secured Creditors, or a receiver appointed by either of them, shall on or after acquiring possession
control of the Project or any Security shall, upon request from time to time, provide access to the
Project and I any such Security and to such reasonable information as may be requested from time to
time by any of the other Secured Creditors.
Mandatory Notice
(a) Subject to the provisions of section 3.04, each Secured Creditor shall give each of the other
Secured Creditor 45 (Forty-Five) days prior written notice (a) “Relevant Notice) (with a copy to the
Borrower) by letter, cable, telex or facsimile before (t) taking any step or action to accelerate any
amount outstanding under any of the Financing Documents, or (h) commencing to enforce the
Security or otherwise exercising any power under any of the Security Documents or with respect to the
Security or any portion thereof. Each Relevant Notice shall describe the applicable default and
intended Enforcement Action in reasonable detail. During such 45 (Forty-Five) day period following the
date of such Relevant Notice, the Secured Creditors shall consult with each other with a view to take a
mutually satisfactory common Enforcement Action, in which, case (a) the Secured Creditors shall
jointly issue a common Notice of Default to the Borrower and (b) proceed to implement the agreed
Enforcement Action pursuant to the Security Documents. If all of the Secured Creditors fail to agree
upon a mutually satisfactory common Enforcement Action during such 45 (Forty-Five) day period
(which may be extended by agreement among all of the Secured Creditors), the Secured Creditor
which issued the Relevant Notice may, proceed to take the Enforcement Action as provided for In
section 3.06(b). All proceeds realised from any such Enforcement Action shall be applied in
accordance with section 2.07 hereof. In addition to the aforesaid Relevant Notice, upon the occurrence
of a missed or late payment under any Financing Documents, the relevant Secured Creditors shall
give the other Secured Creditors prompt notice thereof.
(b) It is understood and agreed that, In connection with the taking of an Enforcement Action or the
issuance of a Notice of Default, or the issuance of any other notice, direction or other communication
or the taking of any other action under this Agreement the Secured Creditors shall act only through the
Security Trustee as the case may be, each of which is hereby authorised by the Secured Creditors to
act on behalf of the Secured Creditors under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if and to
the extent that applicable law requires that a Secured Creditor issues a notice or takes any other
action in connection with any matter contemplated in connection with this Agreement (such as the
execution of a release, if and to the extent applicable) and such action cannot ,be delegated lawfully to
the Security Trustee or as the case may be, then the Secured Creditor shall take such action .
Suspension of Disbursement
If any Secured Creditor terminates or suspends disbursements to the Borrower under the provisions of
any of the Financing Documents, such Secured Creditor shall promptly Inform the other Secured
Creditors of such termination or suspension and the reasons therefore If, in the judgment of the
Secured Creditor (acting reasonably) taking such action, the reasons therefore, are susceptible to
correction, such Secured Creditor shall take into account the views of the other Secured Creditor with
regard to effecting such correction and resuming disbursements to the Borrower under such Financing

Reservation of Rights
It is understood that nothing contained in section 3.01 or 3.02 above or elsewhere in this Agreement
shall modify any of the rights of any Secured Creditor against the Borrower under any of the Financing
Documents or the Security Documents.1t is further understood that any Secured Creditor shall be free
to disregard the provisions of section 3.01, or 3.02(a) if (t) the Borrower is insolvent or has admitted, in.
writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or any analogous event has
occurred, or (h) the Secured Obligations owed to such Secured Creditor are in jeopardy or threat of
Notice of Enforcement Action
If, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, any Secured Creditor shall take any Enforcement
Action, such Secured Creditor shall contemporaneously send to the other Secured Creditors details of
such action (as the case may be) and copies of any notices issued In connection therewith.
Preference for Joint Action
(a) In connection with the notification and consultation procedures described in this Article and the
taking of an Enforcement Action, the Secured Creditors hereby agree to use reasonable efforts to
ensure that timely and appropriate action will be taken In all matters connected with the enforcement of
the Security, including, without limitation the appointment of a receiver (or receiver and manager or
similar official) of the Borrower or of any of, its assets, acceptable to all of, the Secured Creditors with
the intent that:
(i) subject to the provisions herein, the Security shall so far as practicable, be enforced by the
same method;
(ii) in the case of an, appointment of a receiver (or receiver and, manager or similar official) the
same person shall if possible be appointed as such on behalf of the Secured Creditors, but if
two or more persons shall be appointed they shall, so far as practicable act jointly; and
(iii) the sharing of expenses of enforcement of the Security shall be in accordance with section
2.07(i)(a) hereof.
(b) Each Secured Creditor hereby confirms that it will only take Enforcement Action under the Security
Documents or with respect to the Security by means of issuance of instructions to the Security Trustee
(as appropriate) to take such action.
(c) Each of the Secured Creditor confirms and agrees that it will take Enforcement Action with respect
to the Security held directly in its favour, after complying. with the provisions of this Agreement.
No Reliance
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no Secured Creditor has relied or shall rely on
Secured Creditor (i) to Inquire into or verify the accuracy or completeness of any information provided
by the Borrower any other Secured Creditor or any Affiliate of any thereof or any other person or made
available by , Secured Creditor to other Secured Creditors on or prior to the date hereof or hereafter
pursuant to section 3.01; or (ii) to review or evaluate the condition of the Borrower or any Affiliate of
any thereof or any other person or the Project. Each Secured Creditor has made its credit decision
without reliance on information provided by, or on views expressed by any other Secured Creditor.
Additional Loans
Working Capital Loan
The Secured Creditors acknowledge that, the Borrower has and shall be seeking working capital
facilities in connection with the Project to be financed by the Working Capital Lenders (hereinafter
referred to as the “Working Capital Loans”). The Secured Creditors hereby consent to such Working
Capital Loans and to the creation of security in favour of the Working Capital Lenders, on pari passu
basis with the Secured Creditors provided, that the Working Capital Lenders enter into and agree to be
bound by this Agreement (including without limitation. The sharing arrangements contained herein),
with modifications incorporating any additional terms (as well as such other reasonable modifications
as all of the Secured Creditors shall require).
The Security Trustee

The Lenders, Subscribers and Guarantors hereby appoint and constitute The XYZ Finance Company
Ltd., (“XYZP) as Security Trustee hereunder, to act as Security Trustee under the Security Documents.
for the purposes, and in accordance with the terms and provisions, set forth herein. XYZF hereby
agrees to act as the Security Trustee ,for the Lenders, Subscribers and the Guarantors in respect of
the Security Documents.
Authority to Execute and Perform Various Documents
The Lenders, Subscribers and the Guarantors hereby authorise and direct and the Security Trustee
hereby agrees for the benefit of the Lenders, Subscribers and the Guarantors, (i) to execute and
deliver the Security Documents, (ii) to execute and deliver all other documents, agreements,
instruments and certificates under the Security Documents to be executed and delivered by the
Security Trustee as it shah deem advisable and in the best Interests of the Lenders, Subscribers and
this Guarantors, (iii) to take whatever action shall be required to be taken by the Security Trustee by
the terms and provisions of the Financing Documents, and subject to the terms and provisions of this
Agreement, to exercise its rights and perform its duties and obligations under each of the documents,
agreements, instruments and certificates and (iv) subject to the terms and provisions of this
Agreement, to take such other action in connection with the foregoing as the Lenders, Subscribes and
the Guarantors from time to time direct.
Declaration of Trust by the Security Trustee
The Security Trustee hereby declares that in relation to the Lenders, Subscribers and the Guarantors,
it will hold all estate, night, title and interest in law and in equity in, and to the Security Documents and
all monies received by it whether prior to or as a result of enforcement of the Security, constituted
under the Security Documents and the same shall be applied In accordance with section 2.06.
Each of the Lenders, Subscribers and the Guarantors:
(a) authorise the Security Trustee to act on behalf of each of them; and
(b) agrees to be bound by the acts,. decisions and, exert so of discretions of the Security
Miscellaneous Provisions
Partial In validity and Exercise of Remedies
If, at anytime , any provision hereof is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect,
under the law of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining
provisions hereof nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the law of any other
jurisdiction shall in any way be affected or, impaired thereby.
No Waiver, Cumulative Remedies
No failure to exercise, and no delay in exercising any right, power or privilege hereunder, shall operate
as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege hereunder
preclude or require any other. All rights, powers and remedies granted to any party hereto and all other
agreements, instruments and documents executed in connection with this, Agreement shall be
cumulative, may be exercised singly or concurrently and shall not be exclusive of any rights-or
remedies provided by law.
Benefit of Agreement
(a) This Agreement shall be binding upon and enure for the benefit of each party hereto and its
successors and assigns.
(b) The Security Trustee shall not assign or transfer all or any of its rights, benefits and obligations
hereunder without the written consent of all of the Secured Creditors.
(c) Subject to the Financing Documents any of the Secured Creditors may, at any time, assign to
any one or more banks or other institutions or other persons to whom such, Secured. Creditor
has assigned or transferred all or any part of its rights and obligations under (and in
accordance with the terms of) any of the Financing Documents all or, as the case may be, such
equivalent part of such Secured Creditor’s rights and benefits hereunder, and in that event, any
such assignment or , transfer shall be made expressly, subject to the terms and conditions of
this Agreement and the ,assignee shall have the same rights and obligations hereunder, as it
would have had, if it had been a party hereto.

Sr. Name of the Lender/Address RTIJ FCL FLG, Total
1. The XYZ Finance Company

(US$) US$)

2. STR Development Bank
……………………….. (US$) (US$)
Mumbai – 400 005
3. Power Finance Corporation
………………………. (US$)
New Delhi – 110 001
4. AAA Finance and Insurance
Company Ltd.,
Mumbai – 400 021
(i) All notices or other communications to be given or made under these presents shall be In
writing, shall either be delivered personally or sent by courier, registered or certified mail or
facsimile.The address for service of each of the Secured Creditors are as follows:
The XYZ Finance Company Ltd., (XYZF) ……………………………

The XYZ Finance Company Ltd., (XYZF) ……………………………
Power Finance Corporation Limited, ……………………………

New Delhi

ABC Bank (“ABC”) ……………………………

STR Development Bank (“STRD) ……………………………
Mumbai 400 005
AAA Finance & Insurance Company Ltd., (AAA) ……………………………
Mumbai 400 020
BBB Insurance & Finance Company Ltd., (BBB) ……………………………
The JKL Bank Limited, (“JKL”) ……………………………

Mumbai 400001
DEF Bank (“DEF”) DEF Bank,

(ii)All notices shall be effective upon actual receipt.- Without prejudice to the foregoing, a party giving a
notice or communication by facsimile, shall promptly deliver a copy of such notice or communication
personally or by courier or by mail to the addressee of such notice or communication.
(ii)Any party, may in writing to other party, change its designated address. Such change shall take
effect when all parties have been informed of It. –
Any amendments of any provision of this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the parties

5. BBB Insurance & Finance
Mumbai – 400 001
6. ABC Finance Company Ltd.,
. .
Mumbai – 400 001
7. CDF Insurance Co. Ltd.,
. .
New Delhi – 110 002
8. National Insurance Company
46-C, J. N. Road,
Calcutta – 700 001
9. United India Insurance


24, Whites Road
Chennal – 600 014
10. Bank of Baroda
Khairatabad, Branch (US$) (US$)
6-1-84, Secretariat Road
Hyderabad – 500 004
This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original,
but all of which together shall constitute one and the same Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement by their duly
authorised representatives as of the day, month and year hereinabove written.



Rupees in crore) (US$ in

Sr. Name of the Lender/Address RTU FCL FLG Total
11. Dena Bank
2-4-14, 1 st Floor,
M. G. Road Branch (US$)
Secunderabad – 500 003
12. Indusind Bank Limited,
‘Laxmi’ 1-8-448, S. P. Road
Begumpet, (US$)
Secunderabad – 500 003
13. The Vysya Bank Limited,
3-3-798, General Bazar
Secunderabad – 500 003 (US$)
Total (In Rupees)
(in US$) (US$) (US$)
Signed and delivered by the within named XYZ Finance Company Limited, as Lender, by the hand of
Mr ………………………………
Its ……………………………….
Signed and delivered by the within named XYZ Finance Company Limited, as Guarantor, by the hand
Mr ………………………………..
Its ……………………………….
Signed and delivered by the within named XYZ Finance Company Limited, as Subscriber, by the hand
Mr ………………………………..
Its ……………………………….

Signed and delivered by the within named Power Finance Corporation, as Lender, by the hand of
Mr. . ………………………………
Its ………………………………
Signed and delivered by the within named ABC Bank as Lender, by the hand of
Mr. . ………………………………
Its ………………………………
Signed and delivered by the within named ABC Bank,, as Guarantor, by the hand of
Mr. . ………………………………
Its ………………………………
Signed and delivered by the Within named STR Development Bank, as Lender, by the hand of
Mr ………………………………..
Its ………………………………
Signed and delivered by the within named STR Development Bank, as Guarantor, by the hand of
Mr ………………………………..
Its ……………………………….
Signed and delivered by the within named, AAA Finance & Insurance Company Limited, as Lender, by
the hand of
Mr ………………………………..
Its ……………………………….
Signed and delivered by the within named BBB Insurance & Finance Company Ltd., as Lender, by the
hand of
Mr. . ………………………………
Its ………………………………
Signed and delivered by the within named The JKL Bank Limited, as Lender, by the hand of
Mr ………………………………..
Its ………………………………..
Signed and delivered by the within named DEF Bank, as Lender, by the hand of
Mr ………………………………..
Its ……………………………….
Signed and delivered by the within named DEF Bank, as Guarantor, by the hand of
Mr ………………………………..
Its ……………………………….
Signed and delivered by the within named GHI Bank, as Guarantor, by the hand of
Mr ………………………………..
Its ……………………………….
Signed and delivered by the within named XYZ Finance Company Limited, as Security Trustee, by the
hand of
Mr ………………………………..
Its ……………………………….

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