THIS AGREEMENT to lease made at………………on this………………day of………………
20………………between A, son of………………resident of…………………., hereinafter referred to as “the
Lessor” of the ONE PART and B, son of……………… resident of hereinafter referred to as “the
Lessee” of the OTHER PART.
(1) The Lessor is absolutely seized and possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to the
piece of land bearing Plot No…………….. , Survey No………………situate, lying and being at
Village………………Taluka………………District………………more particularly described in the Schedule
hereunder written; and hereinafter referred to as the “said premises”.
(2) The Lessee has requested the Lessor to grant lease of the said premises for construction of a house
thereon which will be used for residential purpose or for letting out for residential purpose.
(3) The Lessor has agreed to grant lease of the said premises on the terms and conditions hereinafter
NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS and the parties hereby mutually agree as follows:
(1) The Lessor agrees to demise to the lessee and the Lessee agrees to take on lease the piece of land
bearing Plot No………………Survey No ………………situate, lying and being at Village
………………Taluka………………District., ………………more particularly described in the Schedule
hereunder written, for a period of 99 years at a yearly rent of Rs………………to be paid in advance from
the date of the Deed of Lease. The lessee shall also be liable to pay the taxes, assessment dues and
duties payable in respect of the said premises and the building constructed thereon to the Municipal
Corporation of ……………… Government of………………or any local or other authority.
(2) The Lessor shall make out clear and marketable title to the said premises free from all
encumbrances, mortgage, charge, lien, claims or reasonable doubts
(3) The Lessor shall produce or cause to be produced to the Lessee or his Advocate the documents of
title in his possession or power in respect of the said premises for investigation of title to the said
(4) The Lessee’s Advocate shall send requisition on title to the said premises to the Lessor or his
Advocate within one month from the date of production of the title deeds for inspection, failing which the
Lessee will be deemed to have accepted the title of the Lessor of the said premises.
(5) The Lessor shall grant lease within one month of lessor making out a marketable title as aforesaid or
the lessee accepting the title of the lessor.
(6) The Lessor shall complete the transaction of lease within a period of three months from the date
hereof and shall hand over the vacant possession on the date of completion of the said premises to the

(7) The Lessor shall pay all taxes, assessments, dues and duties payable in respect of the said premises
upto the date of completion of the lease.
(8) The Lessee shall bear the stamp duty, registration charges and other expenses in respect of the
Deed of Lease. The Lessor shall bear and pay all other costs incurred by him including his Advocate’s
(9) If any permission or no objection certificate is required to be obtained from the Government or local
authority for granting the lease of the said premises, the Lessor shall obtain the same at his own costs.
(10) If the Lessor fails to complete the transaction within the stipulated period or to make out marketable
title to the said premises, the lessee will have the option to cancel this Agreement by one month prior

notice to the Lessor. If the Lessee fails to complete the transaction, the Lessor may cancel this
agreement by one month prior notice to the lessee to that effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have put their respective hands, the day and year first
hereinabove written.
1 Signed and delivered by the within named Lessor
2. Signed and delivered by the within named Lessee

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