This Agreement made…………….this…………….day of………………………20…………….between X, son of
resident of…………….(hereinafter called the “Vendor”) of the FIRST PART, Y, son of
……………………………….. resident of …………….(hereinafter called the “Promoters”) of the SECOND
PART and A B Co. Pvt. Ltd., a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its
registered office at …………….(hereinafter called the”Company”) of the TH I RD PART.
(1) The Vendor has agreed to sell…………….to the Promoters vide Agreement for sale dated the short
particulars whereof are set forth in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter called the said agreement).
(2) The Promoters have entered into the said agreement with the Vendor for and on behalf of the
(3) After the execution of the said agreement, the Company has been incorporated on …………….under
the Companies Act, 1956 with the Registrar of Companies ………………, ……………. it has decided to
adopt the said agreement.
(1) The Company hereby adopts the said agreement dated ……….. and agrees to be bound by the said
agreement and the terms and conditions therein mentioned as if the company was a party thereto The
said agreement shall operate in the same manner as if the Company had been in existence at the date of
the said agreement and had been a party thereto in place of the said promoters
(2) The Promoters are hereby released from all liabilities under the said agreement
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties of the First and Second Parts have set their hands and signatures
and the Company has caused its seal to be affixed in the presence of two of its Directors, who have also
set their respective hands and signatures the day and year first hereinabove written.
The Schedule above referred to
Date Parties Particulars
1 Signed and delivered by the within named Vendor X
2. Signed and delivered by the within named Promoter Y
The common seal of the within named Company A B C Pvt. Ltd has been affixed pursuant to the
Resolution of its Board of Directors passed on the………… of …………….20…………….in the
presence of S/Shri and…………………..Directors, who have in token thereof set their
hands and signatures

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