Registration No. of the company …………….
Nominal Capital Rs. ………………….

Paid-up Capital Rs.



Form of application to the Central Government for
obtaining for obtaining the previous approval for
entering into contracts with the company for the sale,
purchase or supply of any goods, materials or


[pursuant to proviso section 297(1)]

1. (a) Name of Company
(i) Address of its registered office
(i) Address of the principal office if
it is other than the registered office
(i) Branches at
2. (a) Management structure (full
list of directors/managing
directors/manager/secretary with
particulars of other
directorships, if any held by them)
(i) Details of the existing capital
(ii) Turnover (for each of the last
three financial years)
(iii) Net profits (for each of the last
three financial years)
3. (a) The proposal for which
Central Government’s approval is

sought including particulars of
remuneration payable

and the reasons therefor
b Particulars of the contract to be
entered into (copy of agreement, of
any, to be furnished).
c Whether the terms of contract
conform to prevailing market rates.
4 Whether, the company has
entered into any contract with any
other person in respect of sale,
purchase or supply of the same kind
of goods, materials, or services and
whether the terms of such contract
are similar to the terms of the
proposed contract(s). Reasons for
variation in rates, if any, should be
5 Whether the proposed contract(s)
has/have been approved by the
board of directors; of so, a copy of
the resolution passed should be
6 Declaration:
I/We solemnly declare that the fact
stated in this application are true to
the best of my/our knowledge,
information and belief.

Designation …………………………………
Signature …………………………………
Dated this ……………………. Day of ……………. 19

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