FORM No. 35

Registration No. of Transferee Company________________.
No. if any, of Transferor Company_____________________..
Notice to dissenting shareholders
[Pursuant to section 3951

_________________________________________ Limited/Private Limited’ (hereinafter called “the transferor company”).
“Notice by _______________________________Limited/Private Limited2 (hereinafter called “the transferee company”).
TO____________________________________________________________________ Whereas on the of______.19______. the transferee company made an offer to all the holders of _________shares in the transferor company (state shortly the nature of the offer)______; and Whereas up to the______________ day of_______. 19__________. being a date within four months of the date of the making thereof such offer as approved by the holders of not less than nine-tenths in value of the said shares other than shares already held at the date of the offer by or by a nominee for the transferee company or its subsidiary.
Now, therefore, the transferee company in pursuance of the provisions of section 395(1) of the Companies Act, 1956 hereby gives you notice that it desires to acquire the…………………… shares held by you in the transferor company. And further take notice that unless, upon application made to the Court by you the said’_____________.. on or before the day of ___________19________________ being one month from the date of this notice, the court thinks fit to order otherwise, the transferor company will be entitled and bound to acquire the_____________ shares held by you in the transferor company on the terms of the above-mentioned offer, approved by the approving ………….. shareholders in the said company.

Signature for’

Dated this of_________ 19________. Designation’
1. Name of transferor company.
2. Name of transferee company.
3. Name(s) and addressees) of dissenting shareholder(s).
4. If the offer is limited to a certain class or classes of shareholders, state description of
that class or those classes.
5. State whether Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary.

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