Letter of application
(By companies not listed on the Exchange)

The Secretary,
The Stock Exchange,
Dear Sir,
In conformity with the listing requirements of the Stock Exchange, we hereby apply for
admission of the following securities* of the Company to dealings on the Exchange:

(1) ……………………………………………
(2) ……………………………………………
(3) ……………………………………………

**The securities mentioned at ( ) above are proposed to be issued by Prospectus/Offer for
Sale/Circular (conversion, exchange, rights, open offer, capitalization of reserves)/Placing, full
particulars of which are given in the statement sent herewith (together with the reasons for the
procedure proposed when a Placing is intended).
**It is intended to make an Offer for Sale/a Placing of the securities mentioned at above which
have been already issued. We enclose a statement giving full particulars of when, how and to
whom the securities were issued and full details of the proposed offer for Sale/Placing (together
with the reasons for the procedure proposed when a Placing is intended).
We send herewith/undertake to send*** the Listing Application Forms and the Distribution
Schedules, duly completed. We also forward the documents (or drafts thereof) as per list attached
and undertake to furnish such additional formation and documents as may be required.
“We further undertake to submit to the Exchange a copy of the Acknowledgement card or letter
indicating the observations on draft prospectus/letter of offer/offer document by SEBI, and a
certificate from a Merchant Banker acting as a lead manager to the issue reporting positive
compliance by our company of the requirements on disclosure and investor protection issued by
We understand that in the event of our failure to submit the above documents or withdrawal of
Acknowledgement Card by SEBI, we shall be liable to refund the subscription money to the
investors immediately.
We undertake to be bound by all requirements, terms and provisions and conditions including
condition relating to payment of security deposit as contained in the Rules, Bye laws and
Regulations of your Exchange

Yours faithfully,
(Signature of Managing Director)

*Please enumerate separately shares which are not identical in all respects. Shares are identical
in all respects only if
(i) they are of the same nominal value and the same amount per share has been
called up;

(ii) they are entitled to dividend at the same rate and for the same period, so that at
the next ensuing distribution the dividend payable on each share will amount to
exactly the same sum net and gross; and
(iii) they carry the same rights in all other respects.
**Applicable only when securities for which application for admission to dealings is made are
proposed to be issued or having already been issued it is intended to make a placing or an offer
for sale. Please strike out where not applicable.
***Applicable to new companies only. Please strike out where not applicable.
List of supporting documents to be filed with the listing application
(Please check the square against documents forwarded with the application)
1. Three certified Copies of
(a) Memorandum and Articles of Association;
(b) Debenture Trust Deed.
2. Copies of all
(a) Prospectus;
(b) Statements in lieu of Prospectus;
(c) Offers for Sale made during the last five years;
(d) Circulars offering securities for subscription or sale during the last five years;
(e) Advertisement offering securities for subscription or sale during the last five years;
(f) Acknowledgement card or letter indicating the observations on draft prospectus by
Securities and Exchange Board of India;
(g) Certificate from a merchant banker acting as a lead manager to the issue reporting
positive compliance by the company of requirements on Disclosure and Investor
Protection issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

3. Copy of every letter, Report, Balance Sheet, Valuation, Contract, Court order or other
document any part of which is reproduced or referred to in any prospectus Offer for Sale, Circular
of Advertisement offering securities for subscription or sale during the Last five years.
4. Certified copy of Letter of Consent of the Controller of Capital Issues.,
5. Certified copies of
(a) Underwriting Agreements;
(b) Sub-underwriting Agreements;
(c) Sub-underwriting Letters together with a statement containing the names,
addresses and description of the sub-underwriters and the amounts sub
underwritten by each of them;
(d) Brokerage Agreements;
(e) Letters of Appointment of Official Brokers and Sub-brokers together with a
statement of the terms and conditions of appointment.

6. Certified copies of
(a) Vendor’s Agreements;
(b) Promoters’ Agreements;
7. Certified copies of Service Agreement with
(a) The Managing Director;
(b) Technical Director;
(c) General Manager, Manager or Secretary;
8. Certified copies of Agreements with
(a) Selling Agents;
(b) Sales Managers.
9. Statement containing particulars of the dates of and parties to all material contracts,
agreements (including agreements for technical advice and collaboration), concessions
and similar other documents (except those entered into in the ordinary course of the
business carried on or intended to be carried on by the Company) together with a short
description of the terms, subject matter and general nature of documents.
10. Three copies of Directors’ Reports and Balance Sheets for the last ten years.
11. Copies of Agreements with the Industrial Finance Corporation, Industrial Credit and
Investment Corporation and such other bodies.
12. Short history of the company including particulars of any reorganization, reconstruction,
amalgamation, etc., together with details of the Company’s activities.
13. Specimen (cancelled and marked as such) of

(a) Share Certificates;

(b) Debenture Certificates;
14. 14. Specimens (if any) of-
(a)Letters of Allotment;
(b)Letters of Acceptance;
(c) Letters of Renunciation.

15. Specimens (cancelled and marked as such) of

(a) Transfer Receipts;
(b) Split Receipts;
(c) Consolidation Receipts.

Note.-The above list indicates documents ordinarily required in support of a listing application. In
special circumstances, additional documents may be required

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