Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of X Y Co. Ltd. will be held at
the……….Sabhagar . ……….Bombay 400 020 on……. ……….th ……….20……….at……….P.M.
whereas the following resolutions will be proposed as Extraordinary Resolutions of the Company
and if thought fit adopted as Extraordinary Resolutions.
2. The Meeting is to be convened by the undersigned under section 169(6) of the Companies Act,
1956 as the Board of Directors have failed to proceed to call the meeting within twenty days
from……….th ……….20……….on which the undersigned, the holders of more than one-tenth of
the issued capital of the Company upon which all calls, and other sums fallen due had been paid;
deposited the requisition at the registered office of the Company, the requisition requiring the
Board of Directors to forthwith proceed to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company.
Resolutions to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting
Place: ……….

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