RESOLVED that the text of the advertisement (draft of which was placed on the table at the time
of the meeting) for the purpose of inviting and accepting the fixed deposits during the financial
year……….based on the annual accounts of the company for the financial years ended
on……….and……….be and is hereby approved and that Shri ……….is hereby authorised to
make all required changes in the text including any changes in figures pertaining to the financial
position of the company as it appears in the text as may become necessary on the basis of the
“audited” accounts for the year 1990-91 which will shortly be ready for being placed before the
shareholders for adoption at the time of the ensuing ……….Annual General Meeting.
AND FURTHER RESOLVED that the said text of the advertisement after incorporating all the
changes therein if and as may be necessary – and duly signed by all or a majority of the Directors
on the Board of Directors of the company be registered with the Registrar of Companies, Delhi
pursuant to rule 4(4) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975.
AND ALSO RESOLVED that the Board of Directors hereby authorises Shri …………… Company
Secretary to publish the said text of the advertisement in any newspapers, periodicals, etc.
published in India, ensuring however, that the said advertisement is published at least once in a
leading English newspaper (in the English language) and also in a vernacular newspaper (in
the……….language) having circulation in theState of……….in which the registered office of the
company is situated.
AND ALSO FURTHER RESOLVED that the forms of application for offering fixed deposits to the
company together with the terms and conditions as mentioned therein, the text of which form was
placed on the table, be and is hereby approved.

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