
Date …………………

The Manager,
Dear Sir,
We forward herewith an account opening form to open a current account with your bank along
with the resolutions passed at the meeting of the Board of Directors of X Y Co. Ltd. held
at……………the………..day of …………20….
1. That an account of the company be opened with the …………………….bank at
…………….. branch.
2. That the said bank be instructed to honour all cheques or other orders drawn and to accept and
act upon receipts for moneys deposited with or owing by the said bank on the account kept in the
name of the company by the bank, whether such account be for the time being in credit or
overdrawn, provided such cheques, orders, receipts are signed by Shri ……………… and
Shri……………for the time being of the company.
3. That the said bank be also instructed to honour all bills accepted and promissory notes made
on behalf of the company at any time or times whether the account or accounts of the company,
for the time being in credit or overdrawn provided such bills or notes are signed by
Shri…………………….and Shri…………….for the time being of the company.
4. That Shri………………and Shri……………..be authorised to take loans with the said bank for
the business purposes of the company and to execute all documents and securities for obtaining
the said loans and charge the company’s property and securities of the company as security
5. That the Secretary is instructed to furnish with a list of the names of the Directors, Secretary of
the company and copy of memorandum and Articles of Association of the company to the said
bank and to inform any changes which may take place therein by notice in writing from time to
time under the hands of the chairman and the bank will be entitled to act upon any such notice
until the receipt of further notice under the hand of the chairman.
6. That the Secretary is also instructed to communicate these resolutions to the said bank and
these resolutions will remain in force until further notice in writing be given to the said bank along
with the resolutions passed at subsequent meeting of the Board of Directors of the company
under the signature of the secretary or any other officer of the company authorised by the
On behalf of the company we hereby undertake to comply with the bank’s rules and regulations
for the conduct of such account.

Yours faithfully


For X Y Z


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