THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________
_________________________________________________ (insert the name,
address, etc. of father) (hereinafter called the settlor) of the ONE PART
_______________________________________________ (insert the name, address,
etc. of intended husband) (hereinafter called the beneficiary) of the OTHER PART.

1. The settlor is the owner in possession free from encumbrances of the property
described in the Schedule hereto and hereinafter referred to as “the said
2. By an agreement dated the _______ day of ______ 20____ the settlor agreed
that if the then intended marriage between the beneficiary and [daughter of the
settlor] being the daughter of the settlor were solemnised within _____ months
the settlor would convey the said property to the beneficiary for his own
absolute use and benefit in consideration of the marriage.?[Or (2) It is intended
that a marriage shall shortly be solemnised between the beneficiary and
[daughter of settlor] being the daughter of the settlor].?NOW THIS DEED
made [in pursuance of the said agreement and] in consideration of the said
WITNESSETH as follows:
1. The settlor as settlor hereby conveys unto the beneficiary all
that [parcels] more fully described in the Schedule hereunder written and
hereinafter referred to as “the said property” TO HOLD the same unto the
beneficiary in absolutely and for ever [conditionally upon the said marriage
taking place within six months from the date hereof.
2. The beneficiary hereby covenants with the settlor that if upon the expiration of
six months the said marriage has not been solemnised, he will forthwith
reconvey the said property to the settlor.

[Description of the property]

[Signatures of both parties]

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