The Manager,
Dear Sir.
We request you to open a current account with your bank in the name of ……………….Trust. The
said account will be operated by Shri………………………… and Shri…………………………jointly,
who have been authorised in this regard by the trust deed dated………………………… registered
2. We forward herewith a certified copy of the said trust deed.
3. In terms of the trust-deed any change in the names of the persons who are authorised
to operate the account can be effected by a resolution of the trustees. If any change will
be made in the names of the persons authorised to operate the account, you will be
informed accordingly by notice in writing by all the trustees which will entitle you to act
upon such notice.
3. On behalf of the trust, we agree and undertake to comply with and be bound by the
bank’s rules for the time being in force for the conduct of such account with your bank.

Yours faithfully,

Specimen signatures of the trustees
authorised to operate account.

………………………Managing Trustee

…………………………. Trustee

Introduced by ……………………………………..

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