BE IT KNOWN TO ALL that, 1, A son of Shri……………. resident of…………….have this ……………day
of …………….20 ……………. voluntarily conveyed, transferred the property more particularly described
in the Schedule hereunder written to my wife Smt . …………….(hereinafter called “the donee”) out of
natural love and affection for her, to hold the same unto and to the use of the donee for ever absolutely
and I have delivered physical possession of the said property to the said Smt ……………..the donee who
has accepted the gift by taking possession thereof.
(2) The estimated value of the said property is Rs . …………….
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this deed of gift in the presence of witnesses on the day and
year first hereinabove written.
1. Donor
I, Smt ……………. the donee, accept the gift of the said property and confirm that I have obtained
physical possession of the said property.


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