THIS DEED of gift is made at……………..on this…………… of……….20 ……………..between A son
of Shri……………..resident of……………..hereinafter called “the Assignor”) of the ONE PART and B son
of Shn……………..resident of ……………..(hereinafter called ‘the Donee’) of the OTHER PART.
(1) In consideration of his natural love and affection for the donee, the assignor hereby assigns unto the
donee all the book debts now due debts and owing to the assignor in the business of ……………..carried
on by him at……………..under the name and style of M/s……………..which debts are more particularly
specified in the second column of the Schedule hereto and are owing by several persons, whose names
are in
the first column of such Schedule set opposite to such respective sums with power to demand, claim and
sue for and give receipts for the said debts in the name of the assignor or otherwise to hold the same
unto the donee absolutely.
(2) The value of the debts gifted is Rs . …………
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties aforementioned have hereunto set their hands on the day and year
first above written.

The Schedule above referred to
(Particulars of book debts)

1 .
2. Signature of the Assignor

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