THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________
_________________________________________________ (insert the name of
Donor, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the assignor) of the ONE PART
_______________________________________________ (insert the name of Donee,
address, etc.) (hereinafter called the Donee) the wife of the assignor (or as the case
may be) of the OTHER PART.
WITNESSETH as follows:
In consideration of his natural love and affection for the donee the assignor hereby
assigns unto the donee all those the materials and effects which are warehoused in the
name of the assignor at the _________ depository and are mentioned or referred to in
the memorandum of deposit thereto dated the _______  day of ________.
TO HOLD the same unto the donee absolutely.


[Signatures and seals of parties]

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