The Banking Regulation Act, 1949
FORM 111-C
(See rule 6)
(Section 22)

Form of application for a licence to commence banking business by a cooperative
society registered in India with the object of commencing banking business

as a State cooperative bank

Address of the bank:
Date of application:
The Chief Officer,
Rural Planning and Credit Department,
Reserve Bank of India,
Central Office,
(Through : The Officer-in-Charge,

Rural Planning and Credit Department,
Reserve Bank of India,
Regional Office …………………………………..)

Dear Sir,

Application for a licence to commence banking business ………………

We hereby apply for a licence to commence business in terms of section 22 of the Banking Regulation Act,
1949 (as applicable to co-operative societies). A copy of the resolution of the board of directors
dated……………in support thereof is enclosed. A copy of the registered bye-laws and certificate of registration
of the bank duly certified as true by the Registrar under his seal are also enclosed. We enclose the required
particulars in the annexure prescribed for the purpose.
Yours faithfully, Signature………………….. Designation ……………….
Encls: sheets.
N.B. If the registered bye-laws and the certificate of registration are not in English, a copy of their translation in
English duly certified, should be forwarded.


1 . Name of the co-operative society
2. Place of location of the registered office of the society
3. Area of operation
4. Registration No. and date of registration under the relevant Co-operative Societies Act
5. Names and addresses of members of the board of directors and their occupation (Appendix)
6. Particulars of share capital of the society as on the date of application:
(a) Authorised
(b) Subscribed
(c) Paid-up

7. Membership
No. of No. of Paid-up
members shares share capital
allotted to contributed
the members by the
(Rs. in lakhs)

(i) Central co-operative banks
(ii) Primary agricultural credit societies (PACS, FSS, LAMPS, etc.)
(iii) Industrial Co-operatives

(iv) Weavers Societies
(y) Marketing Societies
(0) Consumers Societies
(vii) Housing Societies
(viii) Primary Co-operative Banks
(ix) Other Co-operative Societies
(x) Individuals, including partnership firms, joint stock companies, etc.

(Note: Particulars of sub-items (h) to (x) are required if the State co operative bank
lends/proposes to lend to such units direct).

(xi) Central/State Government
(xii) Others
8. Mention detailed reasons for starting the State co-operative bank.
9. Estimated value of the annual production in the area of operation:

Commodity Volume

(Rs. in lakhs)

(a) Industrial
(b) Agricultural
(c) Minerals
(a) (e) Other categories, (if any)

10. Estimated value of imports and exports
Imports Exports
Commodity Volume Value Commodity Volume


(Rs. in lakhs) (Rs.

in lakhs)
11.If there are any schemes for agricultural, mineral or industrial development, give details of the same and
their probable effect on the volume and value of the present production, import and export and consequently
on the deposits growth and credit demand.
12. Estimate of loans and advances (Rs. in lakhs)

At the end of

Source __________________________________________________________________________________
1 st year loans 2nd year loans 3rd year loans 4th year loans
5th year loans
and advances and advances and advances and advances

and advances

___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________

During Out- During Out- During Out- During Out-
During Out

the standing the standing the standing the standing the
year at the end year at the year at the end year at the end
year at the
of year end of year of year of year
end of year
(a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)
(a) (b)
1. S.T. (Agri.)
2. S.T. (Marketing)
3. S.T. (Weavers)
4. S.T. (Other industrial)
5. S.T. (Non-agricultural)
6. S.T. (Individual)
7. M.T. (Agri.)
8. M.T. (Non-agricultural)

9. Cash credits
10. Others
13. Estimate of deposits:
(Rs. in lakhs)

At the end of

1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year

(i) Co-operative institutions
(ii) Others
Type of deposits:
(i) Current
(ii) Savings
(iii) Fixed
(iv) Others
14.If the owned resources (own funds + deposits) are inadequate to meet the loaning envisaged, how does
the bank propose to raise the balance resources?
15. Within what period does the bank expect to attain viability?
16. Any additional facts which the bank desires to add in support of its application.
N. B.: Sources of information may be indicated. If the bank is unable or unwilling to supply details in respect
of any of the above items, reasons for the omissions may be given

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