The Banking Regulation Act, 1949

(See rule 6)
(Section 22)

Form of application for a licence to carry on banking business by a co-operative society which was carrying

on business as a co-operative bank at the commencement of the Banking Laws (Application to Co-
operative Societies) Act, 1965 (23 of 1965), or by a co-operative bank which has come into existence as a

result of the division of any other co-operative society carrying on business as co-operative bank or the
amalgamation of two or more co-operative societies carrying on banking business or by a primary credit
society which becomes a primary co-operative bank after such commencement

Urban Banks Department/Rural
Planning and Credit Department,
Reserve Bank of India.

Application for a licence to carry on banking business

Dear Sir,
We hereby apply for a licence to carry on banking business in terms of section 22 of the Banking
Regulation Act, 1949. We give below the necessary information in the form prescribed for the purpose.

Yours faithfully,
Signature ……………………..

1 . Name of the co-operative bank
2. Place of location of the registered office of the bank or its head office
3. Area of operation.
4. Date of registration under the Co-operative Societies Act in force.
4A.If a co-operative bank has come into existence as a result of division of any other co-operative society
carrying on business as co-operative bank, or amalgamation of two or more co-operative societies, carrying
on banking business, give the following details:
(a)Names of societies by division/amalgamation of which the new society is formed
(b)Reason for the division/amalgamation
(c)Whether the division/amalgamation was ordered by the Registrar of Cooperative Societies under
the relevant Co-operative Societies Act (A copy of the order of the Registrar of Co-operative
Societies to be attached)

(d)Was any scheme of division/amalgamation prepared for the society by the Registrar of Co-
operative Societies/State Government? If so, attach a copy of the same

(e)Whether the scheme of division/amalgamation has been sanctioned by the Reserve Bank if such
sanction is necessary under the State Co-operative Societies Act concerned.
5. Date of commencement of business
6. Membership: Give details of membership
(b)Co-operative Societies
(c)Government (If any co-operative society is a member on behalf of Government and by reason of
the allotment of any share or shares on account of subscriptions from any State partnership fund,
details should be specified under this item).
(d)Others (specify)
7.State the name of the higher financing agency to which the bank is affiliated

8.Existing Offices: Give the number of offices2 in India and a brief description of the system of supervision
and control
over the branches.
9.Give details regarding the authorised, subscribed and paid-up capital and reserves of the co-operative
bank as on the date of the application.

10.Forward an up-to-date copy of the bye-laws approved by and registered with the Registrar of Co-
operative Societies and copies of the balance sheets together with profit and loss account statements for

the last three years with certified translations in English, if not in that language.
11.State whether the co-operative bank fulfils the conditions laid down in subsection (2) of section 22 and
whether it is agreeable to permit the Reserve Bank to satisfy itself by an inspection of the books of the bank
or otherwise that the prescribed conditions are being fulfilled by the bank.
12.Any additional facts which the co-operative bank may wish to adduce in support of its application
N. B. If a co-operative bank is unable or unwilling to supply full details in respect of any of the items,
reasons for the omissions may be given

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