In the Court of…………… Magistrate ……
The State ……………….
Accused AB son of TZ,
Village: ………….
Thana: ………
In the matter of petition for bail of accused AB, during police enquiry
The humble petition of AB the accused above-named Most respectfully
1. That your petitioner was arrested by the police on 5th March 2013 on
mere suspicion. That nearly a month has passed after the arrest but still the
Investigating Police Officer has not submitted a chargesheet.
2. That your petitioner was not identified by any inmate of the house of CM
where the burglary is alleged to have taken place, nor was any
incriminating article found in his house.
3. That your petitioner has reason to believe that one GS with whom your
petitioner is on bad terms and who is looking after the case for complainant
has falsely implicated your petitioner in the case out of grudge.
4. That your petitioner shall fully co-operate with the police.
5. That your petitioner is not likely to abscond or leave the country. Your
petitioner prays that your Honour may be pleased to call for police papers
and after perusing the same be pleased to direct the release of your
petitioner on bail. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, shall ever pray.
Advocate AB
I, AB, son of TZ, residing at…………….
by occupation business, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows:

1. I am the petitioner above-named. I know and I have made myself
acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case and I am able to
depose thereto.
2. The statements in paragraphs 1 to 5 of the foregoing petition are true
and correct to my knowledge and belief.
3. I sign this verification on the 6th day of May 2013. Solemnly affirmed by
the said AB on 6th May 2013 at the Court House at…………………….
AB Before me Notary/Magistrate.

In the High Court of……………………
Civil Appellate Jurisdiction
Civil Revision No…………………… of 2018
ABC S/o………………..
R/o………………………………………… Petitioner
Versus XYZ S/o……………………
.R/o…………………………………………… Respondent
…………………… OF 2013) May it please the Hon’ble Chief Justice, High

Court of…………………… and his companion Justices. The petitioner most
respectfully showeth:
A. That the petitioner named above has filed a suit against the respondents
for the recovery of possession of a house situated in……………………,
fully described in the plaint. The suit is pending in the court of Sub-Judge
Ist Class…………………… and the next date of hearing
B. That on being summoned the respondent appeared before the court
below and filed his written statement wherein he denied the petitioner’s title
set up in the suit property.
C. That the trial court framed issues on……………… and directed the
petitioner (plaintiff) to produce evidence, upon which the petitioner promptly
furnished to the court below a list of witnesses and also deposited their diet
expenses etc., making a request that the witness be summoned by that
D. That on a previous date of hearing that is……………………, 2013, two
witness of the petitioner had appeared and their statements were recorded.
However, the learned Presiding Officer of the court below passed an order
that the remaining witnesses be produced by the petitioner-plaintiff on his
own without seeking the assistance of the court. This order was passed
despite a request by the petitioner that at least those witness named in the
list who are State employees should be summoned by the court, as they
are required to produce and prove some official records.
E. That on the next date of hearing the learned trial court by the order
impugned in this revision closed the evidence of the petitioner-plaintiff on
the ground that the remaining witnesses were not produced by him.
F. That the impugned order has caused great prejudice to the petitioner
and if the same is allowed to stand the petitioner’s suit is bound to fail.
G. That the trial court has unjustifiably denied assistance of the court to the
petitioner-plaintiff to secure the attendance of his witnesses. The interests
of justice demand that he is provided with all legal assistance in this regard.
In the facts and circumstances discussed above the petitioner prays that
this Hon’ble Court be pleased to quash and set aside the order under

revision and direct the court below to provide assistance of the court for
summoning the plaintiff-witnesses.
[Affidavit to be filed in support of the fact that the contents of the
accompanying revision petition are true and correct to the best of the
deponent’s knowledge and that nothing has been kept back or

Drafting of Appeals An appeal may be divided into three
(1) formal part, known as the memorandum of appeal,
(2) material part, grounds of appeal, and
(3) relief sought for. The memorandum of appeal should begin with the
name of the Court in which it is filed. After the name of the Court, number
of the appeal and the year in which it is filed are given. As the number is
noted by the officials of the Court, a blank space is left for it. Then follow
the names and addresses of the parties to the appeal. The name of the
appellant is given first and then that of the respondent. It should be
indicated against the names of the parties as to what character each party
had in the lower Court, i.e. whether he was a plaintiff or a defendant, or an
applicant or an opposite party, as:
A.B., son of etc. (Plaintiff) Appellant
C.D., son of etc. (Defendant) Respondent
Or A.B., son of etc. (Decree-holder) Appellant
C.D., son of etc. (Judgement-debtor) Respondent
After the names of the parties, an introductory statement giving the
particulars of the decree or order appealed from (viz., the number and date,

the court which passed it, and the name of the presiding officer), should be
written in some such form as: “The above-named appellant appeals to the
Court of…………………… from the decree of………………
Civil Judge at…………………
in Suit No…………………… passed on the…………………… and sets forth
the following grounds of objections to the decree appealed from, namely”.
This may also be written in the form of a heading as: “Appeal from the
decree of……………………
Civil Judge of…………………… at……………………
in Suit No…………………… passed on the……………………”.
Thereafter, the grounds of appeal be given under the heading
“Grounds of Appeal”.
The grounds of appeal are the grounds on which the decree or the order
appealed from is objected to or attacked. As a general rule, in the grounds
of appeal, the following points may be raised:
(a) any mistake committed by the lower Court in weighing the evidence;
(b) any mistake in the view of law entertained by the lower Court;
(c) any misapplication of law to the facts of the case;
(d) any material irregularity committed in the trial of the case;
(e) any substantial error or defect or procedure;
(f) and the defect, error or irregularity of any inter-locutory order passed in
the case, whether the same was appealable or not. A ground taken but not
pressed in the first Appellate Court cannot be revived in second appeal. A
defendant can question the propriety of ex parte proceedings in an appeal
from the decree. The general rule, besides being subject to Section 100 of
the Code, is also subject to two conditions:
(1) that the mistake of the lower Court should be material i.e., it should be
such as affects the decision, and
(2) that the objection taken must be such as arises from the pleadings and
evidence in the lower Court.

Drafting Grounds of Appeals
(i) Grounds of objection should be written distinctly and specifically;
(ii) They should be written concisely;
(iii) They must not be framed in a narrative or argumentative form; and
(iv) Each distinct objection should be stated in a separate ground and
the grounds should be numbered consecutively. These rules are
simple but are most important and must be carefully remembered
and observed while drafting Grounds of Appeal. Relief Sought in
Appeal It is nowhere expressly provided in the Code that the relief
sought in appeal should be stated in the memorandum of appeal.
The absence of prayer for relief in appeal does not appear to be fatal
and the Court is bound to exercise its powers under Section 107 of
the Code and to give to the appellant such relief as it thinks proper.
However, it is an established practice to mention in the
memorandum of appeal, the relief sought by the appellant.
Signature A memorandum of appeal need not be signed by the appellant
himself. It may be signed by him or by his counsel but if there are several
appellants and they have no counsel, it must be signed by all of them. It is
not required to be verified.

Specimen Form of Appeal to the High Court
IN THE HIGH COURT OF…………………… AT……………………
A.B.C. Company Ltd. a company incorporated under the provisions of the
Companies Act and having its registered office…………………… Appellant

M/s…………………… a partnership concern (or XYZ company Ltd., a
company incorporated under the Companies Act and having its registered
office at……………………)… Respondents
May it please the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the High Court
of…………………… and his Lordship’s Companion Justices,
The appellant-company MOST RESPECTFULLY SHOWETH:
1. That the appellant herein is a company duly registered under the
provisions of the Companies Act and the registered office of the appellant
is at…………………… and the company is engaged in the business of
2. That the respondents who are also doing business of selling goods
manufactured by the appellantsand other manufacturers approached the
appellant for purchasing from the appellant-company the aforesaid
manufactured goods. An agreement was reached between the parties
which were reducing into writing. The appellant supplied goods worth Rs.
15 lacs over a period of …………………… months to the respondents. A
statement of account regarding the goods so supplied is annexed hereto
and marked as ANNEXURE A-1.
3. That the respondents have made a total payment of Rs. 6 lacs on
different dates. The statement of the said payments made by the
respondents is appended and is marked as ANNEXURE A-2.
4. That the remaining amount has not been paid by the respondent despite
repeated demands and issuance of a legal notice by the appellant through
5. That the appellant filed a suit for recovery of the aforesaid balance
amount of Rs. 9 lacs together with interest at the rate of 12% per annum
and the cost of the suit. The suit was filed on…………………… in the court
of the learned District Judge.
6. That upon being summoned by the said court the respondents appeared
through counsel and filed their written statement to which appellant-plaintiff
also filed replication (rejoinder).

7. That the parties led evidence. After hearing the counsel for the parties
the learned District Judge has by his judgement and decree passed
on…………………… dismissed the appellant’s suit on the ground that the
evidence led by the parties does not establish the claim of the appellant-
plaintiff. Copies of the judgement and decree of the court below are
annexed hereto and are marked as ANNEXURE A-3 AND A-4,
respectively. Aggrieved by the aforesaid judgement and decree of the court
below dismissing the suit of the plaintiff, this appeal is hereby filed on the
following, amongst other,
A. That the judgement and decree under appeal are erroneous both on
facts as well as law.
B. That the learned trial court has failed to properly appreciate the
evidence, and has fallen into error in not finding that the preponderance of
probability was in favour of the plaintiff-appellant.
C. That there was sufficient evidence led by the plaintiff to prove the issues
raised in the suit and the defendant-respondent has failed to effectively
rebut the plaintiff’s evidence, more particularly the documentary evidence.
D. …………………… E. …………………… F. ……………………
8. That the valuation of this appeal for the purposes of payment of court-fee
is fixed at ₹…………………… and the requisite court fee in the form of
stamps is appended to this memorandum of appeal.
9. That this appeal is being filed within the prescribed period of limitation,
the judgement and decree under appeal having been passed
on………………… In the above facts and circumstances the appellant
prays that this appeal be allowed, the judgement and decree under appeal
be set aside and the decree prayed for by the appellant in his suit before
the court below be passed together with up-to-date interest and costs of
both courts.

APPELLANT (……………………)

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