THIS DEED of exchange made at……………….on this…………………day
of……………….20……………….between A son of B resident of…………(hereinafter referred to as the
First Party) of the ONE PART and C son of D resident of …………. (hereinafter referred to as the Second
Party) of the OTHER PART.
WHEREAS the First Party is the sole owner of the land situate in Village……………….
Taluka……………….District……………….more particularly described in the First Schedule hereto and
delineated in the Plan annexed hereto and therein coloured red; and
WHEREAS the Second Party is the sole owner of the land situate in
Village……………….Taluka……………….District…………………,more particularly described in the Second
Schedule hereto and delineated in the said Plan and herein coloured green; AND
WHEREAS the parties have agreed to adjust, settle and demarcate the boundaries of their respective
lands by exchanging pieces of land in and the manner hereinafter appearing
(1) In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the premises, the parties hereto agree
that the boundary line between the lands aforementioned of the two parties as delineated on the plan
annexed hereto shall be WXYZ as shown therein instead of irregular line MNOP originally existing
heretofore therein and for that purpose, the First Party as beneficial owner doth hereby transfers and
conveys all that piece and parcel of land coloured pink in the plans admeasuring about……………….sq.
mtrs., comprised in Khasra No ……………….of Village……………….Taluka……………….
District………………. to the Second Party and to hold the same unto the said party absolutely
and for ever for himself, his successors, heirs, assigns and legal representatives.
(2) In further pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the conveyance by the First Party
hereinabove contained, the Second Party as beneficial owner doth hereby transfers and conveys all that
piece and parcel of land coloured grey in the plan admeasuring about……………….sq. mtrs, comprised
in Khasra No ……………….. of Village……………….Taluka……………….District……………….to the First
Party and to hold the same unto the said party absolutely and for ever for himself, his successors, heirs,
assigns and legal representatives.
(3) It is hereby declared and confirmed that the boundary between the properties of the parties between
the points ‘K and ‘L’ in the said plan annexed hereto shall be treated as demarcated and delineated in the
said plan by a blue line drawn between the said points and the said demarcation will be binding on both
the parties and their successors, heirs, assigns and legal representatives and any party or his
successors, heirs, assigns and legal representatives will not raise dispute about the abovementioned
demarcation before any revenue or local authority
(4) It is hereby declared that the value of the property described in each of the Schedules is Rs
(5) This deed will be executed in duplicate and the original deed along with the plan shall be retained by
the First Party, who shall be bound to keep the same in safe custody and shall be bound to produce the
same when requisitioned for inspection or evidence before any court, tribunal or authority. The duplicate
deed signed by both parties shall be retained by Second Party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties aforementioned have put their respective hands, the day and year
first hereinabove written.

The First Schedule above referred to
(Particulars of land to be given by First Party)
The Second Schedule above referred to
(Particulars of land to be given by Second Party)

1 Signed and delivered by the within named First Party

2. Signed and delivered by the within named Second Party

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