THIS DEED OF FAMILY SETTLEMENT is made at on……………between a son of B resident
of…………..hereinafter called Shri A, of the ONE PART and Smt. C widow of B resident of ………….
hereinafter called as Smt. C of the OTHER PART.
(1) [P1]B was seized and possessed of the house, fully described in the Schedule hereunder written,
hereinafter referred to the said house and the said B died intestate on……………………..
(2) [P2]The said Smt. C was in the possession of the said house at the time of the death of B and
continues to be in possession of the said house and she has demanded the payment of dower debt of
Rs…………payable to her from the said Shri A, who is entitled to succeed the said house as only legal heir
of the said B.
(3) [P3]The said Shri A is desirous to sell the said house, as he is working in and there is nobody to look
after the said house, but the said Smt. C claims to continue in possession of the said house, till her
dower debt is paid and due to which differences and disputes have arisen between the parties
(4) [P4]The parties are desirous to settle the disputes and differences amicably on the terms and
conditions hereinafter stated
(5)[P5]The said Smt. Chas obtained the independent legal advice from her legal advisers and her
brothers, etc. and after considering and understanding the same has given her consent to the settlement.
(1)[P6]In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the premises, the said Smt. C will give
vacant possession of the said house to said Shri A upon payment of the sum as hereinafter mentioned.
(2) [P7]The said Shri A shall pay Rs . ………… Smt. C as dower debt on or before………….. and the
said Smt. C will renounce all her claims to the said house and Shri A will retain possession of the said
house as absolute and exclusive owner thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set and subscribed their hands to this writing the day and
year first hereinabove written.

The Schedule above referred to

Signed and delivered by the within named Shri A
. Signed and delivered by the withinamed Smt. C

[P1]B owned house, died intestate
[P2]B’s widow In possession of house and. claims dower debt
[P3]Son desires to sell house
[P4]Parties to settle disputes amicably
[P5]Widow obtained independent legal advice
[P6]Terms of settlement
[P7]Renouncement of claims by widow on home

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