THIS DEED of transfer is made at……………….on this…………………………day of ……………….
20……………….between C son of D resident of…………(hereinafter called “the Transferor”) of the
FIRST PART and A son of B resident of………………. (hereinafter called “the Transferee”) of the OTHER
WHEREAS the transferor is the owner of land with house bearing Municipal No . ……………….situated
on……………….Road, ……………….City, more particularly described in the First Schedule hereunder
written (and hereinafter called “the said premises”).
AND WHEREAS the transferor has agreed to transfer the said premises to and in favour of the
transferee in consideration of the agreement of the transferee to convey the land with house bearing
Municipal No ……………….situated on……………….Road…….city more particularly described in the
Second Schedule hereunder written.
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the premises, the Transferor hereby
transfers and conveys absolutely all his rights, title and interest in the said premises unto the transferee,
his heirs, assigns and legal representatives, to have and hold the same for ever as owner thereof subject
to the condition that the transferee shall cause to be registered the deed of transfer executed by the said
transferee in favour of the said transferor in respect of the house more particularly described in the
Second Schedule and complete the transfer in all respects

AND THE PARTIES hereby covenant with each other that this transaction shall become void on any of
the said transfer deeds becoming imperfect in any circumstance whatsoever.
(2) This deed has been marked “Deed No. 2” for the purposes of identification and the correlative deed is
marked “Deed No. 1 “.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set and subscribed their respective hands the
day and year first hereinabove written.

First Schedule above referred to
(Description of the property of the transferor)
Second Schedule above referred to
(Description of the property of the transferee)
1. .Signed and delivered by the within named transferor
2. Signed and delivered by the within named transferee

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