FORM No. 25C
No. of Company ……………………..
Nominal Capital ………………………
The Companies Act, 1956
Return of Appointment of Managing Director/Whole-time Director/Manager
[Pursuant to section 269(2) and Schedule XIII]
1 . Name and full address of the Managing or
Wholetime Director or Manager
2. Date of Birth :
3. Designation (mention whether Managing Director/
Whole-time Director or Manager) :
4. Date of Appointment :
5. Details of remuneration including perquisites payable:
6.Tenure of Appointment :
7.Date of Resolution passed by Board of Directors
and/or Shareholders in general meeting (copy thereof
be enclosed) :
Dated this……………day of……………20………….
Signature: ……………
Name: ……………
Certified that the requirements of Schedule XIII read with section 269 of the Companies Act, 1956
have been complied with.
Signature of Auditor/
Secretary/Secretary in
Whole-time practice
Dated this……………day of……………20…………… (Name and Address)
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