THIS GIFT DEED made on .. day of month ..year , 2000, between Mr.s/o..r/o(hereinafter called the
Donor ) and Mr.s/o..r/o(hereinafter called the Donee )
WHEREAS the donor, the absolute owner in possession of the entire property mentioned in the schedule
hereto annexed, valued at present, at desirous to dispose of his entire property by way of gift, out of
natural love and affection, in favour of the donee who is donors cousin and has lived with the donor since
his childhood.
1. That the donor out of natural love and affection and without force or compulsion or undue and with
his free will and in fill possession of his body senses, doth, hereby, give, transfer and convey his entire
property, mentioned in the schedule hereto, unto the said donee will all profits, advantages, privileges
and appurtenances whatsoever with the said property, to have and to hold the said property, hereby
gifted, unto and to the sue of the said donee for ever and absolutely.
2. That the said property has been gifted without any let or hindrance whatsoever from or by the said
donor or by any person or persons claiming from, under or in trust of him.
IN WITNESSES WHEREOF the donor doth sets and subscribes his signature and delivers in the
presence of the witnesses at present on the day, month and year above noted.
Sd/- Donor..

Sd/- Donee.

Scheduled referred to above.


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