THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________
_________________________________________________ (insert the name,
address, etc. of donor) (hereinafter called the donor) of the ONE PART
_______________________________________________ (insert the name, address,
etc. of daughter of donor) (hereinafter called the donee) of the OTHER PART.

1. The Vendor is seized of the property described in the schedule hereto subject to
a mortgage (“the Mortgage”) dated etc. and made between the Vendor of the
One Part and ___________ Building Society (“the Mortgagee”) of the Other
Part (and to the restrictive covenants and otherwise as hereinafter mentioned)
but otherwise free from encumbrances.
2. There remains owing on the security of the Mortgage the sum of
Rs._____________ representing principal and interest thereon (or and the
interest thereon has been paid) up to the date hereof (or the ____________ day
of __________).
3. The Donor is desirous of conveying the said property to himself and the Donee
as tenants-in-common subject to the said Mortgage and all moneys payable
NOW THIS DEED made in consideration of the natural love and affection of the
Grantor for the Donee WITNESSES as follows:
1. THE DONOR HEREBY CONVEYS unto the DONOR and the Donee ALL
THAT etc. TO HOLD unto the Donor and the Donee as beneficial tenants-in-
common in (equal) shares SUBJECT to the covenants and conditions contained
or referred to in a conveyance dated etc., and made etc. and subject also to the
Mortgage and all moneys payable thereunder.
2. THE PURCHASERS HEREBY DECLARE that until the expiration of twelve
years from the death of the survivor of the Purchasers the trustees for the time
being of this deed shall have power to sell mortgage charge lease or otherwise
dispose of all or any part of the said property with all the powers in that behalf
of an absolute owner.

3. THE DONEE HEREBY COVENANTS with the Donor that she shall jointly
and severally with the Donor pay all principal monies and interest secured by
and henceforth to become due under the Mortgage and perform and observe the
other covenants and conditions expressed or implied therein on the part of the


[Signatures of both parties]

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