THIS Guarantee is made at…………….this…………….day of…………….20 by Shri A, son
of…………….resident of……………. hereinafter referred to as the Guarantor of the ONE
PART in favour of Bank Ltd., a banking Company incorporated under the Companies Act,
1956 and having its registered office at …………….. hereinafter referred to as the Bank of the
1. In consideration of the Bank granting or continuing to make cash credit facilities or other
financial accommodation to Shri…………….son of resident of…………….carrying on the
business of ……………. under the name and style of M/s . …………….in sole
proprietorship, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, the Guarantor hereby guarantees on
demand to pay to the Bank, all moneys and discharge all obligations and liabilities now or at any
time hereafter due, owing or incurred to the Bank by the customer and any statement of account
of the customer by any duly authorised official of the Bank shall be conclusive evidence against
the Giuarantor of the indebtedness of the customer to the Bank.
2. The total liability under this guarantee shall be limited to the sum of Rs…………….at any point
of time together with interest, costs, charges and expenses.
3. This guarantee is a continuing guarantee and shall be available to the Bank for the debts and
liabilities of the Bank of the customer in any manner whatsoever notwithstanding the death,
bankruptcy, insanity or other incapacity or any change in the constitution of the customer or in the
name and style thereof or any other settlement of account, provided that the Guarantor will be
entitled to determine this guarantee by three months notice in writing to the Bank; provided further
that such determination will not affect the liability of the Guarantor for money, liabilities and
obligations present or future, due, incurred or owing prior to the expiration of such three months.
4. This guarantee is in addition to and shall not substitute with or otherwise prejudice or affect any
other right, remedy, guarantee or security given by the customer or any other person, firm or
company on behalf of the customer and shall be enforced by the Bank, notwithstanding the same
or any other bill, note, mortgage, pledge or lien held or available to the Bank.
5. The Guarantor declares, agrees and undertakes that his liability will not be affected nor shall
the guarantee be discharged or diminished by any of the following reasons:
(i) The Bank compounding, compromising, discharging, releasing or varying the liability of or
granting any time, indulgence or concession to the customer or any person or renewing,
determining, varying or increasing any negotiable instrument, accommodation facility or
transaction in any manner or concerning in accepting or varying, any compromise, arrangement
or settlement or omitting to claim or enforce payment from the customer or any other person; or
(ii) Any act or omission, which would have discharged the liability of the surety or by anything
done or omitted which might operate to exonerate the guarantor.
(iii) Any present or future bill, note, guarantee, indemnity, mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or
other security, or right or remedy held by or available to the Bank being or becoming
wholly or in part void, voidable or unenforceable on any ground whatsoever or varying,
releasing or failing to perfect or enforce any of the same by the Bank from time to time.
6. The Guarantor declares and confirms that he has not taken or received and undertakes not to
take or receive the benefit of any security from the customer and in case any such security is
taken by the Guarantor, he shall receive such security and moneys on trust for the Bank as a
continuing security for the liability of the Guarantor to the Bank hereunder.
7. The Guarantor further declares and confirms that until the amount due and payable by the
customer to the Bank, he waives all rights of subrogation and indemnity against the customers
and he will not demand or accept or negotiate, assign or otherwise dispose off any moneys,
obligation or liabilities owing to the Guarantor from the customer or any promissory note, bill,
negotiable instrument, guarantee, indemnity, mortgage, charge or other security from the same or
to take any steps to enforce any right against the customer or claim any set-off or counter claim
against the same or will claim any share or benefit and if he receives any money, promissory

note, bills of exchange, negotiable instrument, guarantee, mortgage, charge, security, lien or any
other benefit, such money and benefit received shall be held in trust for the Bank.
8. In case of default by the customer, the Bank will be entitled without any notice to surety to
combine or consolidate all or any accounts of the Guarantor alone or jointly with others, set-off or
transfer any sum standing to the credit of any one or more such accounts towards satisfaction of
any money, obligations or liabilities of the Guarantor to the Bank under these presents. The Bank
will have lien and charge over all the moneys, shares, securities or assets of the Guarantor in the
possession of the Bank, until all the moneys, due to the customer’s liability and of obligations are
paid, discharged or satisfied.
9. The Guarantor shall pay to the Bank, the sum demanded due and payable under this
guarantee free from any present or present taxes, levies, duties, charges, fees or without set-off
or counter claim or any restriction, condition, deduction whatsoever, Within a period of one week
from the receipt of the letter of demand from the Bank. If the Guarantor is required to make any
deduction from the payment under law, he shall pay the amount of deduction to the Bank, so that
the Bank may receive the amount, which it is entitled to receive under the guarantee. If the
Guarantor is compelled to pay any sum of money in terms of a Court decree in terms of this
guarantee, the Guarantor will not be discharged from his liability unless the Bank gives a
certificate of no liability under this guarantee to the Guarantor.
10. The notice or demand for payment by the Bank hereunder shall be made by serving on the
Guarantor personally or sent by registered post at his usual or last known place of abode or
11. Each of the provisions of this guarantee is severable and distinct from the others and the
Bank will be entitled to enforce its right under any clause and in case any clause becomes invalid,
illegal or unenforceable due to any reason whatsoever, the bank will be entitled to enforce the
remaining provisions hereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Guarantor has signed this guarantee on the day and the year first
hereinabove written.
Signed and delivered by the within named Guarantor in the presence of:
1 .

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