THIS DEED OF LEASE made at………………on the………………day of…20………between A, son
of……………… resident of…………….(hereinafter called the “Lessor”) of the ONE PART and B,
son of………………resident of………………(hereinafter called the “Lessee”) of the OTHER PART.
In consideration of the rent hereinafter reserved and of the Lessee’s agreement hereinafter contained,
the Lessor hereby demises to the Lessee a lease of ALL THOSE PIECE AND PARCELS OF LAND
bearing Survey No . ………………Hissa No………………situate, lying and being at
Village………………Taluka………………District……………..and the particulars whereof are specified in the
Schedule hereto (all of which hereditaments are hereinafter called the “farm”) together with a cottage, out
houses and a farm house constructed in the Survey No and trees, fences, hedges, ways, waters, walls,
liberties, easements and appurtenances whatsoever belonging to the said farm TO HOLD the farm unto
the Lessee for the term of……………..years from the………………day of………………paying therefor
during the said term the yearly rent of Rs ………………by equal half-yearly payments on
the………………day of ………………and…………….. day of free from all deductions
except for landlord’s property tax, the first payment to be made on the …………….. day of
(2) The Lessee hereby covenants with the Lessor:
(i) To pay the reserved rent on the days and in the manner
(ii) To pay all existing and future rates, taxes, assessment and outgoings payable by law in respect of the
farm by the owner or occupier (except Lessor’s property tax).
(iii) To repair and keep in repair the cottage, out houses, and farm house on the farm and to whitewash
when necessary and from time to time to tar such woodwork and coverings of buildings as may require
so to be treated and to do all carting of material at his own expense. .
(iv) To clean out and keep open and free and in working order all ditches, pipes, sewerages, drains,
wells, springs, streams on the farm and to prevent streams from overflowing or being diverted so as to
cause injury to adjoining occupants
(v) To use the farm for agricultural purpose only.
(vi) Not to permit or suffer waste or spoil of any part of the farm nor to permit any encroachment and to
use his best endeavours to prevent the acquisition of new rights of way or easements over any part of
the farm.
(f)To farm cultivate manure and manage the farm in a good and husband like manner according to the
most approved methods of cultivation, so as to keep the farm in good condition.
(3) The Lessor hereby covenants with the Lessee:
(i) To permit the lessee on his paying the rent hereby reserved and performing and observing the
stipulations and provisions contained hereinabove, peaceably to hold and enjoy the farm and to enjoy its
income, profits and crops during the term aforesaid without any interruption by the Lessor or any person
rightfully claiming under or in trust for him.
(ii) To pay the property tax in respect of the farm.
(iii) The Lessee will have the option to renew the lease for a further period of……………… . years,
provided he informs to the Lessor of his intention to do so before the expiry of his lease; provided that the
rent for the extended term of lease will be Rs ………………per annum
(4) It is hereby agreed and declared that the term “Lessor” and”Lessee” herein used shall unless
inconsistent with thp context or meaning thereof be deemed to include the heirs, executors,
administrators and assigns of the respective parties.

(5) This Lease Deed shall be executed in duplicate. The original shall be retained by the Lessor and the
duplicate by the Lessee
(6) The stamp duty and all other expenses in respect of this Lease Deed and duplicate thereof shall be
borne and paid by the Lessee.
(7) The marginal notes and the catch lines hereto are meant only for convenience of reference and shall
not in any way be taken into account in the interpretation of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Lessor and the Lessee have put their respective hands on the original and
duplicate thereof the day, month and year first hereinabove written.
The schedule above referred to
1 Signed and delivered by the within named Lessor
2. Signed and delivered by the within named Lessee …..

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