In the Court of Civil Judge ………………
Suit No…………….of 20…………………
A …………………… Plaintiff
B …………………… Defendant
Affidavit of A aged…………… son of…………………..resident of ……………….
I, the above named deponent, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:
1 . That I am the plaintiff in the above noted suit and as such fully acquainted with the facts
deposed to below.
2. That one Smt. X, widow of Shri Y, is a pardanashin lady and she lives in seclusion according to the practice of the community, to which she belongs and she has never appeared as a witness in any case before any court.
3. That Smt. X is unable to attend the court, but her evidence is material for the suit.
4. That it is necessary and in the interest of justice that the statement of Smt. X be recorded
on commission.
5. That it is in the interest of the proper judgment in the matter, that the commission be issued to record the statement of Smt. X, failing which the plaintiff will be put to irreparable loss.
1, the above named deponent, do hereby verify that the contents of paras 1 to 5 are true to my personal knowledge and nothing has been concealed and no part of it is false. So help me God.
Verified at……………………..this………………….day of ………………..20 ………..
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