Author: admin

  • SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY (FOR APPEARING BEFORE COURT) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, ………………………………………………………….…….., son of ………………………………………………………….,., and Resi ______________________________, being ………….. in the civil suit No. ______________ of _____________, pending in the court of the _______________ do hereby appoint ____________, son of………………………… and Resi _______________ my attorney in my name and on…

  • SIMPLE FORM OF GIFT DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, ______________________________________, S/o Sh.__________________________________, r/o ____________________________________, transfers voluntarily, the property bearing no.______________________________________ situated at _______________ (more particularly described in the schedule annexed hereto), the estimated value of which is Rs.___________ (Rupees_________________________________________________ only) to my daughter Smt.______________________________________________ w/o of Sh.______________________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the…

  • Indian EV startup, Ultraviolette Automotive, had recently opposed the Hero MotoCorp, Harley-Davidson co-developed motorcycle X440. Ultraviolette argued that the newly-launched mid-capacity motorcycle bears a nameplate which is very similar to the ‘X44’ trademark application it had filed in September 2022. Hero MotoCorp, on the other hand, filed its trademark application for ‘X440’ on November 8,…


    SIMPLE AFFIDAVIT IN THE HONBLE HIGH COURT OF __________ AT __________ WRIT PETITION NO. ___________ OF 2000   BN . PETITIONER VERSUS COMMISSIONER OF INCOME-TAX, RANGE X, _______ & OTHERS. . RESPONDENTS   Affidavit of BN, aged about 65 years, son of late Shri PN resident of ________________________________________.   I, the deponent above-named, do hereby…

  • Regarding issue of duplicate licence for export trade control. Before The ……………………………… Of Exports, Department Of Supply, Ministry Of ……………. Affidavit of Mr. …………………………………… Age ………………. S/o Mr. ……………………………..…………………., Resi……………………………………………………. I, the above named deponent solemnly affirm and state on oath as under.— 1. That the deponent is the partner of the firm …………………………………………. and…

  • Regarding Closure Of Business Before the ………………………………… Affidavit of Mr. …………………………………………., aged about …………………………………………………. years S/o Mr. …………………………………………..……………… Resi__________________________________________ _________________. I, the abovenamed deponent solemnly affirm and state as under: 1. That the deponent is the partner of the firm M/s _______________________, situated at ____________________________________, and hence is fully conversant of the facts deposed below.…

  • Recovery Suit, Recovery Suit Application Affidavit In the Court of Hon’ble _____________-. Civil suit No.____of _____Year M/____________________________ Address_______________________ , …Plaintiff Versus M/s ______________________ Address_______________________ ,Principal occupier …Defendant SUIT FOR RECOVERY OF RS ________/- ALONGWITH INTEREST Court Fee paid Rs.______/- RESPECTFULLY SHEWETH: 1- That the plaintiff is a company under the name and style of M/s…

  • POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR INCORPORATION OF A COMPANY I, the undersigned promoter of M/S,,…………………,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Private Limited (under incorporation), do hereby authorise Mr. ………………………….…….., representative of __________________, having their office at ___________________________. to do the following: 1. To carry out necessary corrections, amendments, changes, additions, alterations, deletions and such other work as may be necessary, in…

  • NOTICE UNDER NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS ACT REGARDING DISHONOUR CHEQUE REGISTERED A.D. To, Mr……………………………………….…………… RESI…………………………………………………… Sub:- Notice under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act for Cheque Dishonoured due to insufficient funds. Dear Sir, Under instructions and authority from our client M/s. ____________________________ having their office at _____________________________, we serve upon you the following notice of demand under…

  • N.O.C. TO MOTHER TO RECEIVE DECEASED FATHER PROPERTY RENT  Affidavit of MR…………………………………………………………… and Kumari/Mrs ________________________________ son / daughter of Late Shri ________________________ Resi______________________________________ _____ aged about ………………….. and ……………… years. We, the above named do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under:- 1. That we are legal heirs of Late Shri___________________________ who expired…