Author: admin

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, executor of the will of X. Y., deceased, states as follows:– 1. That the defendant occupied the [house No…….., Street], by permission of the said X.Y., from the ……. day of ……. 19……, until the ……. day of …….. 19……., and no agreement was made as to payment for the…

  • Read proceeding from the ………………. forwarding ……………… for service on …….. in suit No…… of 19…… / 20 ….. of that Court. Read Serving Officer’s endorsement stating that the ……. and proof of the above having been duly taken by me on the oath of ……. and ……. it is ordered that the ……. be…

  • In the Court of…………………. at Suit No………………… of 199………. ……………………………………………. Plaintiff versus ……………………………………………. Defendant. Whereas in the suit above specified, instituted by the said plaintiff……………………. to restrain the said defendant………………. from (here state the breach of contract or other injury), the said court, has, on the application of the said plaintiff………………. granted an injunction to…

  • To Whereas your attendance is required to …… on behalf of the …………………………… in the above suit, you are hereby required [personally] to appear before this court on the …….. day of……… 19…. /20 ……, at ….. o’clock in the forenoon, and to bring with you [or to send to this …………. court]. A sum…

  • To, Whereas the plaintiff …………… instituted a suit in this court on the …….. day of …… 20……, against the defendant ….. who has since deceased, and whereas the said plaintiff has made an application to this court alleging that you are the legal representative of the said……. deceased, and desiring that you be made…

  • To, Whereas ………………. (Name, description and place of residence) has instituted a suit against you for ….. you are hereby summoned to appear in this court in person on the ……. day of …… 20…… at….. o’clock in the …….. noon to answer the claim; and you are directed to produce on that day all…

  • To, Whereas …………………… has instituted a suit against you under Order XXXVII of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, for Rs. ……………… and interest, you are hereby summoned to cause an appearance to be entered for you, within ten days from the service hereof, in default whereof the plaintiff will be entitled, after the expiration…

  • To, Whereas …………. (Name, description and place of residence) has instituted a suit against you for …… your are hereby summoned to appear in this court in person, or by a pleader duly instructed, and able to answer all material questions relating to suit, or who shall be accompanied by some person able to answer…

  • In the ………….. court, at ……… Suit No…….. of 19 ……………… /20 ………… XYZ ………………………….. Plaintiff Versus ABC …………………………… Defendant Upon reading the affidavit of the plaintiff the court makes the following order, namely:– Let all parties concerned attend the court or Judge, as the case may be, on the ……. day of …… 19……/20,…

  • To Whereas ………………… [Name, description and place of residence] has instituted a suit against you for ………, you are hereby summoned to appear in this court in person or by a pleader duly instructed, and able to answer all material questions relating to the suit, or who shall be accompanied by some person able to…