Author: admin

  • I,_______ the undersigned approved the accounts dated______ and hereby acknowledge to have received from_____ the personal representative of the above named deceased the sum of ________ needs to be payable to the ________(Name of the institution), and acknowledge this is paid full and final satisfaction of my entitlement to the account of _______(deceased Name). Dated…

  • Date:                                                                      Receipt number: Amount received from: Address: Amount: Purpose of payment: ACCOUNT                                                    Payment Made By Total Amount: Cash: Amount Paid Cheque: Balance Due Others: Amount received By: Authorized Signatures                                                 Customers Signature

  • Between Name:______________________ And Name: Address: For Topic: An agreement for the purchase and sale of the real property known as ______, being more fully described as______ was entered into between ____(Name of the seller) on the day of _____ 20__. The closing of the purchase and sale of said real property per the terms of…


    Full names:______________(lender) Address:_______________ Full names:______________(Borrower) Address:_______________ Re: promissory Note dated___________20___ The Lender hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of_____________ As payment in respect of the note referenced above. As per terms of the Note all payments shall first be applied to interest accrued to date and thereafter to the principal amount. The remaining unpaid balance…

  • Date: Earnest money holder on the date set forth above acknowledges receipt of the earnest money of Rs._______ in the form of _______________ to be held by the earnest money holder in its trust account on behalf of both seller and buyer mentioned in the purchase agreement. Seller ____________(Name and address) Purchaser ____________ (Name and…

  • Seller: ____________(Name and address) ____________ Purchaser _____________(Name and address) _____________ The vendor agrees to sell and the purchaser agrees to buy the property, being the land and the goods, for the price and on the terms set out in this contract. The purchaser has paid and the seller confirms receipt of Rs._____ as payment towards…

  • Date: Received from__________________, the sum of____________, amount in words________________________, being the balance of account due to the undersigned as of this date. Authorized signature

  • Certificate of Registration Registration Number: Effective on:_______(date) Title:_____________________ Title of work:_______________ Authors Name:_________________ Address:__________________ Completion/Publication____________________ Year of completion:____________________ Copyright claimant:_______________ Rights and permission_______________________ Organization name: Address: Amount in words:_________________________ Certification__________________________ Authorised Signature: Dated:

  • The deed of mortgage executed on this________ day of  20__ by____ (Name and address) herein called as the mortgagor in favour of ______(Name) herein called as the mortgagee. The mortgagor transferred by simple mortgage the properties described and mentioned in the above schedule hereto unto the mortgagee by way of security for the repayment of…

  • I,_______ (Name),s/o_____,_________(Address), hereby acknowledges and confirms that the judgment owned to ____________(Name) herein called as the creditor was paid or otherwise satisfied on_____ day of ___ 20__, that the judgment was fully paid or satisfied to the judgment debtors. Dated on ____day of ___ 20__ Signature: