Author: admin

  • IN THE COURT OF. ……………………………………………………… Plaintiff Versus ……………………………………………………… Defendants Sir, The defendants respectfully submits as follows: 1. Para 1 of the application is not denied. 2. Para 2 of the application as stated is wrong and is denied. Even the counsel for the plaintiff are not available for arguing the matter on the application under…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. The plaintiff is mortgagor of lands of which the defendant is mortgagee. 2. The following are the particulars of the mortgage:– (a) (date); (b) (names of mortgagor and mortgagee); (c) (sum secured); (d) (rate of interest); (e) (property subject to mortgage); (f) (if the plaintiffs title…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. The defendant has wrongly heaped up earth and stones on a public road known as …… street at…. so as to obstruct the passage of the public along the same and threatens and intends, unless restrained from so doing, to continue and repeat the said wrongful…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the ………. day of …….20…., the defendant, for the purpose of inducing the plaintiff to sell him certain goods, represented to the plaintiff that [he, the defendant, was solvent, and worth….. rupees over all his liabilities.] 2. The plaintiff was thereby induced to sell [and…

  • To, Whereas it appears from the examination on oath of the serving officer that the summons has been duly served upon the witness, and whereas it appears that the evidence of the witness is material and he has failed to attend in compliance with such summons. This proclamation is, therefore, under rule 10 of Order…

  • When the Court declares the amount due IN THE COURT OF …….. SUIT NO……… 20…… This suit coming on this …………… day, etc. it is hereby declared that the amount due to the plaintiff on the mortgage mentioned in the plaint calculated up to this ………….. day of ………… is the sum of Rs……. ……………..…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. The plaintiff is, and at all the times hereinafter mentioned was, possessed of certain land called…. and situate in …… and of a well therein, and of water in the well, and was entitled to the use and benefit of the well and of the water…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– I. On the ……. day of ………. 20…….., he lent the defendant ……. rupees repayable on the …… day of……. 2. The defendant has not paid the same, except rupees …… paid on the ……. day of …….20…… [If the plaintiff claims exemption from any law of…

  • In the High Court of Judicature at ………………… In re Art. 226 of the Constitution of India Civil Writ Petition No…….. of ………. Name & Address :……………………….. Petitioner …………………………………………… versus (1) State of …………. Respondents. (2) District Magistrate of……… Petition for issue of writ of mandamus and other direction or order The petitioner above named…

  • In the High Court of Judicature at ………………… In the matter of Art. 226 of the Constitution of India Civil Writ Petition No…….. of ………. Name and Address :……………………….. Petitioner ……………………………………………. versus Municipal Board ……………………….. Respondents. Petition for issue of appropriate writ The petitioner above named submits as under : 1. That he is the…