Author: admin

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name of Donor, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the doner) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name of Donee, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the Donee)( the state relationship if any of the donor ) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS: 1.…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name of Donor, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the assignor) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name of Donee, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the Donee) the wife of the assignor (or as the case may be) of the OTHER PART.…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT is made the _______ day of ________ BETWEEN _________________________________________ (insert names and address, etc. of tenants-in-common) (hereinafter called the Donors) of the ONE PART AND ________________________________________ (insert name and address of Grantee) (hereinafter called the Grantee) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS: 1. The donors are the absolute owners in possession free…

  • THIS DEED of gift is made the…………… of……………..20…………….. between A Son of B resident of……………..(hereinafter called “the Donor”) of the ONE PART and C son of A and D son of A, resident of……………..(hereinafter called “the donees”) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS (1) The donor is carrying on the business of …………… ……………..under the name…

  •   THIS CONVEYANCE made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name of Owner, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the Owner) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name of Local Authority) (hereinafter called the Local Authority) the wife of the assignor (or as the case may be) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS…

  • THIS DEED of gift is made at……………..on this…………… of……….20 ……………..between A son of Shri……………..resident of……………..hereinafter called “the Assignor”) of the ONE PART and B son of Shn……………..resident of ……………..(hereinafter called ‘the Donee’) of the OTHER PART. THIS DEED WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS (1) In consideration of his natural love and affection for the donee, the assignor…

  • THIS DEED of gift is made at……………. On this………….day of…………….20 ……………. between A son of ……………. resident of(hereinafter called “the donor”) of the ONE PART and Bsonof ……………. resident of …………….(hereinafter called “the donee”) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS (1)[P1]The donor is seized and possessed of the property more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of wife) (hereinafter called the mother) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of husband) (hereinafter called the father) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS: 1. ________________ (insert name of the Son) late of _____________…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name of sisters, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the donors) of the ONE PART. AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name of brothers, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the donees) the wife of the assignor (or as the case may be) of the OTHER PART.…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________  BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name of mother , address, etc.) (hereinafter called the mother) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name of daughters, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the Donee) the daughters of the mother of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the mother is seized…