Author: admin

  • THIS DEED of exchange made at……………….on this………………. day of……………….20……………….between A son of……………….resident of……………….(hereinafter called the “First Owner”) of the FIRST PART and B son of ……………….resident of………………. (hereinafter called the “Mortgagee”) of the SECOND PART and C son of…………………resident of……………….(hereinafter called the “Second Owner”) of the THIRD PART. WHEREAS (1) The First Owner is seized…

  • THIS DEED is made at……………….this……………….day of………………20 ……………….between A son of……………….resident of………………..(hereinafter called the “First Party”) of the ONE PART and B son of……………….resident of ………………. (hereinafter called the”Second Party”) of the OTHER PART WHEREAS (1) By a deed of exchange dated……………….executed between the parties, the First Party conveyed and transferred the house No . ……………….situate…

  • THIS DEED is made at ………….this………….day of………….20………….between A son of………….resident of………………..hereinafter called the “Grantor”, (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include his heirs, assigns and executors) of the ONE PART and B son of…………………resident of………….hereinafter called the “Grantee”,(which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or…

  • Registered A.D. XYZ ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. To ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. Dear Sir, Please take notice that in view of the breach of the terms and conditions of the grant of easement of light and air made to you by deed dated…………….in your favour, I have this…………….day of………cancelled, revoked and annulled the said grant with the…

  • THIS RELEASE is made at…………….this…………….day of……………between A son of B resident of …………….(hereinafter called “the First Owner”) of the ONE PART and C son of D resident of…………. (hereinafter called “the Second Owner) of the OTHER PART WHEREAS (1)The first owner is seized and possessed of the piece of land situate at……………. delineated and coloured…

  • THIS DEED made at ………this…………day of…………….20………between A son of B resident of …………(hereinafter called “the Grantor”) of the ONE PART and C son of D resident of………………….. (hereinafter called “the Grantee”) of the OTHER PART WHEREAS (1) The grantor is the owner of the house No . ……………………… situated at……………. Road, District…………….more particularly delineated on…

  • THIS DEED is made at…………….on this…………….day of ……….20……between A son of B resident of…………….hereinafter called the “Grantor” (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include his heirs, assigns and executors) of the ONE PART and C son of D resident of…………….hereinafter called the “Grantee” (which expression shall unless it…

  • THIS DEED is executed at…………….on this…………….day of……………20……… between A son of Shri…………….resident of…………………hereinafter called the “Grantor”, (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include his heirs, assigns and executors) of the ONE PART and B son of Shri…………………resident of…………….hereinafter called the “Grantee” (which expression shall unless it be repugnant…

  • THIS AGREEMENT is executed at…………….on this…………….day of……………. 20……………. between A son of Shri B resident of…………….hereinafter called the “First Owner”, (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include his heirs, assigns and executors) of the ONE PART and C son of Shri …………….hereinafter called the “Second Owner”, (which expression…

  • THIS AGREEMENT is made at………….on this………….day of………….20……… between A son of Shri B, resident of………………..hereinafter called the “land owner”, (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include his heirs, assigns and executors) of the ONE PART and C son of D resident of ………….hereinafter called the “house owner”, (which…