Author: admin

  • (Section 21 of the Provincial Insolvency Act)   KNOW ALL MEN that we, KC, r/o ., and Mr. KC , s/o Mr. DS, r/o .. (Surety for Mr. KC) bind ourselves jointly and severally to the Insolvency Court of Shri RS, Judge for payment of Rs Signature Debtor Signature.. Surety Whereas Mr. KC has been…

  • IN THE HONBLE HIGH COURT OF ……………………. Cr. M. P. (M): ______ of 20.. MEMO OF PARTIES ………………………………………………………………………………….……………….Petitioner VERSUS …………………………………………………………………………………….…………….Respondents Petition under Section 439 (2) of Cr. P. C. read with Section 482 of Criminal Procedure Code for cancellation of bail granted to the respondent No. ______________________ by the Ld. ____________ in Bail Application No.…

  • BY THIS BOND Mr.. residing at …. hereinafter referred to as the ‘Surety’ acknowledges himself to be bound to Mr. B hereinafter referred to as the ‘Creditor’ in the sum of Rs.. lent and advanced by the Creditor to Mr. C residing at … the Debtor, with interest thereon at the rate of Rs… percent…

  • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we A son of resident of ……….and B, son of Shri ……….resident of hereby bind ourselves jointly and severally to Shri Judge of for the payment to him or his successor‑in‑office of the sum of Rs . …………… Signed by us on this ……….day of……….20………. …………………. Signatures WHEREAS…

  • IN THE COURT OF __________, HON’BLE SESSIONS Judge ________________. ___________________ Son of ________________ R/o _________________ …….…………………………………………………APPLICANT/PETITIONER. VERSUS State of _________……………………………………………………..RESPONDENT IN THE MATTER OF:- FIR NO. _____ DATED __________ UNDER SECTION _____________ IPC, P.S.- ____________________. FIRST APPLILCATION FOR REGULAR BAIL MOST RESPECTFULLY SHOWETH:- 1- That the petitioner belongs to a respectable family and he has…

  • THIS DEED OF SALE is made at ……………… this …………… day of ……………, 2000, between A, son of ……………… resident of …………………………. hereinafter called the “Vendor’ of the ONE PART and B, son of ……………… resident of ……………… hereinafter called the “Purchaser” of the OTHER PART.   WHEREAS the Vendor is absolutely seized and possessed…

  • THIS BOND is made at …………on this …………day of 20………… by A son of resident of (hereinafter called the Debtor) of the ONE PART and B son of ………..resident of ………… (hereinafter called the Surety) of the OTHER PART. (1) That 1, A, aforesaid debtor acknowledge my indebtedness to the said creditor in the sum…

  • WHEREAS I, _________________ inhabitant of Vill: ____________ PO: __________________________________________________ PS: _____ ______________________________________________ Teh: __________________________________________________ Distt: _________________________________________________ [MAH] have been sentenced to pay a fine of Rupees _____ and in default of payment thereof to undergo imprisonment for _____; and whereas the Court has been pleased to order my release on condition of my executing a…

  • THIS BOND is made on the ………… day of ……….. 20 …….by X son of ………. resident of …………. (hereinafter referred to as the Debtor) of the FIRST PART and Y, son of Shri ………………. resident of …………..(hereinafter referred to as the Surety) of the SECOND PART, and Z son of X ………… resident of…

  • IN THE COURT OF HON’BLE SESSIONS JUDGE, ___________ Application No.________ of _______ ______ son of _________ R/o ____________, ________, __________ …Applicant/Petitioner. Vs. State of __________ ………….…Respondent. 1st Application Under Section ___ ___ For Grant of Anticipatory Bail in Case FIR No.___ dated ____ Under Section ___ of Electricity Act Police Station ________. Sir, The applicant/petitioner…