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  • Suit No………………………….. /200 In the Matter of AB…………………………………………… Plaintiff/Petitioner versus CD……………………………………. Defendant/Respondent. AFFIDAVIT I……………………………………….. S/o……………………………….. resident of ……………………………………… do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: – 1. That I am the…………………………… in this case and hence competent to swear this affidavit. 2. That the contents of the accompanying application are true and correct. DEPONENT…

  • IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Affidavit in Transfer Petition No………………… of 1986 ……………………………………………………………… Petitioner versus …………………………………………………………. Respondents Affidavit of……………….. son of Shri……………….. aged about……………….. years, resident of……………….. I,………………… deponent aforementioned, solemnly state and affirm as follows: 1. That I am the petitioner in the aforesaid transfer petition and as such am fully acquainted with…

  • IN THE COURT OF THE DISTRICT JUDGE……………….. Affidavit in Civil Misc. Application No………………… of 19……………….. A. B…………………………………………………………. Plaintiff versus C. D………………………………………………………. Defendant Affidavit of A. B. s/o……………….. aged about……………….. years, resident of ……………….. District……………….. I, A. B. Deponent abovenamed solemnly state and affirm as follows: 1. That I am the applicant in the abovenoted miscellaneous…

  • I, deponent abovenamed solemnly state and affirm as follows: 1. That I am the plaintiff in the abovenoted suit and as such am fully acquainted with the facts deposed to below: 2. That I have been read over and explained the contents of the application for restoration of the suit which is accompanying the affidavit…

  • IN THE COURT OF THE DISTRICT JUDGE……………….. Affidavit in Civil Misc. Application……………….. No………………… of 19……………….. under section 24 of the Code of Civil Procedure. A. B………………………………………………………….. Plaintiff versus C. D………………………………………………………. Defendant Affidavit of……………….. son of……………….. aged about……………….. years, resident of……………….. Post Office……………….. I, A. B. deponent abovenamed, solemnly state and affirm as follows: 1. That…

  • IN THE COURT OF THE MUNSIF……………….. Affidavit in Civil Misc. Application No………… of 19……………….. Original Suit No………………… of 19……………….. A. B…………………………………………………………. Plaintiff versus C. D……………………………………………………… Defendant Affidavit of AB S/o XY, aged about……………….. years, resident of ……………….. Calcutta. I, AB deponent aforementioned solemnly state and affirm as below: 1. That I am the plaintiff in…

  • IN THE HIGH COURT OF………………………. C. M. P. No………………………. of 19………………………. in Civil Writ Petition No……………… of 19…………………… In the matter of…………………………………………………… and In the matter of…………………………………………………… A. B………………………………………………………. Petitioner Versus C. D………………………………………………….. Respondents 1………………………. S/o Shri………………………. resident of……………………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That I am the proprietor of………………………. and…

  • IN THE HIGH COURT OF………………………. C. M. P. No………………………. of 19………………………. in Civil Writ Petition No……………… of 19…………………… In the matter of…………………………………………………… and In the matter of…………………………………………………… A. B………………………………………………………. Petitioner Versus C. D………………………………………………….. Respondents 1………………………. S/o Shri………………………. resident of……………………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That I am the proprietor of………………………. and…

  • ……………… Date …………………… Rs . ………………. Three months after date, pay to A B, etc. or order Rs . …………………………… (Rupees ………… only) for value received. X (Stamp) (Drawer) (Signature across the stamp) To ………………………(Drawee) In case of need ………………………. …………………..Branch, Bombay.

  • ……………………. Date………………… Rs………………… Three months after date, pay X, etc., or Y, etc. or Z etc. or the order of any one of them the sum of Rs ……… . (Rupees……………… only) A (Stamp) Drawer (Signature across the stamp) To X Y, etc. (Drawee)