Precedent No. 63 AFFIDAVIT: UNDER SECTION 13(1)(i) OF THE HINDU MARRIAGE ACT, 1955 – DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE ON THE GROUND OF ADULTERY IN THE COURT OF ADDL DISTRICT JUDGE, H.M.A. Petition No of 20 Petitioner: Vs. Respondents: AFFIDAVIT of , W/o , D/o , aged years, now residing in The deponent abovenamed solemnly affirms and…
Precedent No. 57 AFFIDAVIT: UNDER SECTION 11 OF THE HINDU MARRIAGE ACT, 1955 – DECREE FOR NULLITY OF MARRIAGE IN THE COURT OF ADDL. DISTRICT JUDGE, H.M.A. Petition No of 20 Petitioner: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT I, , W/o , D/o , presently residing in , do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows:— 1.That, I…
Precedent No. 59 AFFIDAVIT: UNDER SECTION 10 OF THE HINDU MARRIAGE ACT, 1955 – JUDICIAL SEPARATION IN THE COURT OF THE ADDL. DISTRICT JUDGE, H.M.A. Petition No of 20 Petitioner: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT of , S/o , aged , presently residing in The deponent abovenamed hereby solemnly affirms and states as follows:— 1.That, the deponent…
Precedent No. 55 AFFIDAVIT: UNDER SECTION 2 OF THE DISSOLUTION OF MUSLIM MARRIAGE ACT, 1939 BEFORE THE HON’BLE DISTRICT COURT, Affidavit in Divorce O.P. No of 20 Petitioner: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT I, ,W/o , D/o , aged years, now residing in , do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:— 1. I say that,…
Precedent No. 6 AFFIDAVIT: UNDER ORDER XXXVII, RULE 5 OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, 1908 BEFORE THE HON’BLE CIVIL COURT Interlocutory Application No of 20 In Original Suit No of 20 Petitioner: Vs. Counter Petitioner: AFFIDAVIT of , S/o , aged , residing at …………………………. The deponent abovenamed hereby solemnly affirms and declares as…
Precedent No. 1 AFFIDAVIT: UNDER ORDER XXXIX, RULE I OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, 1908 – AD INTERIM INJUNCTION BEFORE THE HON’BLE SUBORDINATE JUDGE’S COURT LA. No of 20 In O.S No of 20 Petitioner/ Plaintiff Vs. Respondent/ Defendant AFFIDAVIT of , S/o , aged , residing at The deponent abovenamed hereby solemnly affirms…
Precedent No. 22 AFFIDAVIT: UNDER ORDER XLI, RULE 27 OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, 1908 BEFORE THE CITY CIVIL COURT, Interlocutory Application No of 20 In Civil Appeal No of 20 Applicant/Appellant: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT of ,W/o aged years, presently and permanently residing in The deponent abovenamed, hereby solemnly affirms and declares as follows:…
Precedent No. 38 AFFIDAVIT: UNDER ORDER VII, RULE 16 C.P.C. – DECLARATION OF LOSS OF NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS BY A BANKER IN THE SUBORDINATE JUDGE’S COURT OF Regular Suit No of 20 Plaintiff: Vs. Defendant: AFFIDAVIT I, , S/o , aged years, now residing in , do hereby swear in the name of God that:— 1.…
AFFIDAVIT WITH THE APPLICATION TO REGIONAL TRANSPORT AUTHORITY FOR DUPLICATE LICENCE Before the Regional Transport Officer, ……………………………. Affidavit of A, aged about ……………… years, son of Shri ………… resident of ………………….. I, A, aged about ……………………….. son of Shri………………… resident of ……………………………. take oath and state as follows: 1. That I am the applicant in…
Affidavit to Recall ex- parte order and set aside the order passed in the absence of Defendant. Format of Affidavit for Miscellaneous Application to recall ex parte order passed against the Defendant. Miscellaneous Application an be filed against ex parte order. Application under Order IX Rule 13 of Code of Civil Procedure dealing with Setting…