Category: Uncategorized

  • AFFIDAVIT WITH THE APPLICATION FOR THE ISSUE OF DUPLICATE EXPORT LICENCE Before the Deputy Chief Controller of Exports, Department of Supply, Ministry of Food, ……………………… In the matter of issue of duplicate licence to M/s. ………………………. Affidavit of A, aged about …………………… years, son of Shri …….. resident of ……………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and…

  • Affidavit to declare legal heirs of deceased employee to claim Provident Fund, Super Annuation and other Claims. Format of Affidavit to declare Legal Heirs of a deceased person to claim Super Annuation, PF and other Benefits. To claim statutory benefits, Provident Fund, Super Annuation and other dues of a deceased employee, affidavit needs to be…

  • AFFIDAVIT TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION TO THE REGIONAL TRANSPORT AUTHORITY FOR ISSUANCE OF DUPLICATE DRIVING LICENCE. Before the Regional Transport Officer, ___________________,(City) Affidavit of Mr./Ms._____________________, S/o./D/o., Sh._____________________________ aged___________________________________ years, Resident of ______________________________ . I, the above named deponent, solemnly affirm and state as under: That I am the applicant in the application for…

  • AFFIDAVIT TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF NAME IN THE CERTIFICATE. The Registrar, _________________________ University Affidavit of Miss._priya_________________________ D/o, of Mr. Pankaj_X_____________ now Mrs. ___________, wife of Mr_______________, aged _____ years, resi _mall Road,Kanpur___________________________________. I, the above named deponent, solemnly affirm and state as under: .That I am the applicant in the application…

  • AFFIDAVIT TO BE SUBMITTED WITH A WRIT PETITION Before the Hon’ble High Court of Juridicture at __________________________ Writ Petition No.______________________________ of ___________________ Mr………………………………………………..…….. aged ………………………………………………….…years, S/o Mr. …………………………………………………. resi _…………………………………………………………………………….. 1…..……….…………………………… …….Petitioner …………………………………………………………. 2…………………………………………… Opposite Parties Affidavit of Mr…………………………………… S/o Mr…………………………………………….. Age_____________________________________ years, resi…………………………………………………… I, the above named deponent, solemnly affirm and state on oath…

  • AFFIDAVIT TO BE FURNISHED TO THE REGISTRAR OF MARRIAGES UNDER HINDU MARRIAGE ACT, 1955. Affidavit of Mr _____________________ S/o, Mr.________________________________________ aged____________________________________________ years, resident of _______________________________________. I, the above named deponent, solemnly affirm and state as under: .That I am fully conversant with the facts deposed to below. .That my marriage with Mrs.____________________________(Bride) was solemnized on…

  • AFFIDAVIT TO BE FURNISHED TO THE INCOME TAX AUTHORITIES FOR OBTAINING INCOME TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE.   Affidavit of Mr/Ms.____________________________ S/o,/D/o Mr.__________________________________ aged_________________________________________ years, resident of ______________________________________. I, the above named deponent, solemnly affirm and declare as under: .That I am fully conversant with the facts deposed to below. .That I am holder of Indian Passport…

  • AFFIDAVIT TO BE FURNISHED BY THE SHAREHOLDER TO THE COMPANY FOR ISSUANCE OF DUPLICATE SHARE CERTIFICATE(S).  The Board of Directors, ______________________________________ Limited/Private Limited, Regd. Office:_________________ _________________________ Affidavit of Mr……………………………………………………………………….………., S/o Mr……………………………………………………………………………………………. age ………………………………………………………………………………………………. years, resi___________________________________________________. I, the above named deponent, solemnly affirm and state as under: 1. That I am the applicant in the application being…

  • AFFIDAVIT TO BE FURNISHED BY THE SHAREHOLDER TO THE COMPANY FOR ISSUANCE OF DUPLICATE SHARE CERTIFICATE (S). The Board of Directors, _________________________________________ Limited/ Private Limited, Regd. Office:_______________________________ Affidavit of Mr./Ms._______________________________, S/o/D/o, of Mr. _________________________________ aged about _________ years, resident of __________________________________________. I, the above named deponent, solemnly affirm and state as under: .That I am…

  • Affidavit to be filed with Interlocutory Application seeking security under Rule 3(6)(b) in a Summary Suit Under Order xxxvii of Code of Civil Procedure. As per Order xxxvii Rule 3 (6) (b) if the defendant is permitted to defend as to the whole or any part of the claim, the Court or Judge may direct…